Historic District Minutes 04-17-2023

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                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                   HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                      SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES

                                                 April 17, 2023

Chairperson S. Radtke called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              S. Radtke, J. Huss, G. Borgman, K. George

MEMBERS ABSENT:               T. Emory, excused; D. Gregersen, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                J. Pesch

OTHERS PRESENT:               F. Scharmer, B. Grimm, and J. Locke (585 W. Clay)


Case 2023-07 – 585 and 579 W. Clay Ave. – Accessory Structure and Patios
Applicant: Fred Scharmer - District: Clay-Western - Current Function: Residential

The applicant was seeking approval to construct an 8’x8’ accessory structure, concrete patios, two hot tubs, two
fire pits, and relocate and convert an existing, unfinished 10’x20’ shed into an outdoor bar in the open space to
the north of the building at 585 W. Clay Avenue. J. Pesch noted that some of the work could be approved by staff,
such as hot tubs and various landscaping projects, but the two structures proposed warranted full review by the

B. Grimm explained that one of the sheds was pre-existing and had previously been located near the front of
579 W. Clay, but it was recently moved to the proposed location noted in the staff report. J. Pesch explained
that the HDC had previously approved the existing shed, but it was never finished and had no exterior siding

S. Radtke asked about the potential to construct a new building at 579 W. Clay. F. Scharmer explained that it
was a possibility that they were looking into, but nothing that was planned immediately and he was happy with
the work currently being completed at this property. F. Scharmer added that with the effort to make the property
ADA-accessible, it made sense to tie the various amenities proposed for the open space next to the existing
building accessible as well, which was why they were proposing concrete patios.

G. Borgman asked if the proposed 8’x8’ accessory structure could be finished with a brick veneer to more
closely match the existing building. F. Scharmer stated that this would be possible, and B. Grimm added that the
material for the veneer might not be readily available and would require a few months to complete. J. Pesch
clarified that the HDC’s approval would be good for one year.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to construct an 8’x8’ accessory structure, concrete patios, two hot
tubs, two fire pits, and relocate and convert an existing, unfinished 10’x20’ shed into an outdoor bar in the open
space to the north of the building at 585 W. Clay Avenue as presented in the April 17, 2023 HDC staff report
with the condition that the accessory structure have a brick veneer to match the main building as long as the
work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by G. Borgman,
supported by K. George and approved with S. Radtke, G. Borgman, K. George, and J. Huss voting aye.

S. Radtke explained that he and J. Pesch had discussed whether or not the work required full review by the
HDC at a meeting rather than staff approval, noting that the permanence of the new structure and its visibility
were the primary reasons he thought full review was necessary.



1292 Jefferson – The board briefly discussed the presentation that took place at the March 13th City Commission
Worksession as well as potential funding partners for the City of Muskegon’s efforts to move the Nelson House.
J. Pesch said that he would plan to have City staff present at a future HDC meeting on the financial aspects of the
project once they were more solidified.

Design Standards Outside of Historic Districts – The board discussed general design issues seen with new
construction occurring outside the local historic districts, past designs trends that did not age well, and the
requirements of the City’s Form Based Code. S. Radtke noted past development projects in the historic districts
that the HDC was able to influence during the review process, and the board considered an approach to improving
the design of future buildings constructed in the city. J. Pesch welcomed board members to share design features
that they thought could improve the appearance of new buildings.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


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