Historic District Agenda 03-07-2017

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                                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                           HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                                REGULAR MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                        Tuesday, March 7, 2017
TIME OF MEETING:                        4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                       City Commission Chambers, City Hall


I.     Call to Order

II.    Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of February 7, 2017

III.   Old Business

IV.    New Business

                  Case 2017-04 – 240 Monroe Ave – Demolition
                  Case 2017-05 – Hackley Park – Dance Floor
                  Case 2017-06 – 425 W Western Ave – Awning

V.     Other Business

VI.    Adjourn

          “We admire that which is old not because it is old, but because it is beautiful.” Winston Churchill


       The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio
       tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-
       four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of
       Muskegon by writing or calling the following:
                                                           Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
                                                            933 Terrace Street
                                                          Muskegon, MI 49440
                                                             (231) 724-6705
                                        TTY/TDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that representative dial 231-724-6705

                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                            February 7, 2017

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, S. Kroes, K. Panozzo, A. Riegler, D. Warren, S. Radtke, L. Wood

MEMBERS ABSENT:               None

STAFF PRESENT:                M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               A. Soler, Lakeshore Museum Center, 430 W Clay Ave.; P. Kurek, 5080
                              Davis Rd.


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of January 3, 2017 was made by J. Hilt, supported by D.
Warren and unanimously approved.


Case 2017-03 – 444 & 448 West Clay Avenue Applicant: Paul Kurek. District: Clay-Western. Current
Function: Residential. M. Franzak presented the staff report. This case was presented by Lakeshore Mu-
seum Center personnel last month to obtain HDC input on the demolition plans. The applicant, who is the
current property owner, is seeking approval to demolish the two homes. He then planned to sell the land
to the Lakeshore Museum Center for their future expansion. As stated previously, the homes do not pos-
sess many historic qualities or craftsmanship, and both have fallen into disrepair. The City’s building in-
spection department, SafeBuilt, had determined that moving the houses to another site was not feasible
due to their condition.

In addition to their main site, the Lakeshore Museum Center owned the building at 477 W Western Ave,
which they used as an archive facility. They also rented space in the building that hosts Ryke’s Bakery on
Terrace St, which they used for storage. Consolidation of these facilities into one central location would
allow a higher and better use of 477 W. Western Avenue which was also in a historic district.

J. Hilt asked if staff or the applicant had any other information to add since last month’s meeting. M.
Franzak suggested that any motion for approval include that the approval could transfer to the new owner.
A. Soler stated that the County received approval to purchase the two buildings and would be signing a
purchase agreement as soon as the HDC approved the demolition request. P. Kurek stated that he was
working with CMH on relocating their clients who resided in the two buildings.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to demolish 444 and 448 West Clay Avenue with the condi-
tions that HDC approval is transferrable to the new owner, all zoning requirements are met, and the nec-

essary permits are obtained, was made by L. Wood, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved,
with J. Hilt, S. Kroes, K. Panozzo, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, L. Wood and D. Warren voting aye.




Meeting attendance/RSVP – J. Hilt asked that board members be sure to let staff (Diane or Mike) know as
soon as possible whether or not they will be able to attend the HDC meetings so that they can determine
whether or not we will have a quorum.

HDC Standards – S. Radtke was concerned about the practice of allowing painted structures to be covered
with vinyl siding. M. Franzak stated that it was likely the HDC would have a new staff liaison within a
few months, and once the new person was on board, they could review the guidelines for any changes that
may be needed. M. Franzak stated that staff would need to consult the City Attorney to see how to make
changes to the ordinance.

Marketing & Incentives – Staff and board members discussed ideas for promoting the historic districts,
and possible incentives to get homeowners to maintain their homes according to HDC standards.


A motion to retain J. Hilt as Chairperson and S. Radtke as Vice-chairperson was made by S. Kroes, sup-
ported by S. Radtke and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, S. Kroes, K. Panozzo, A. Riegler, S. Radtke,
L. Wood and D. Warren voting aye.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

                                  Case 2017-04 – 240 Monroe Ave
                                   Applicant: City of Muskegon
                                         District: Houston
                                   Current Function: Residential


The City is seeking approval to demolish the house at 240 Monroe Ave. There was a fire in the rear unit
on November 9, 2016 and it is now considered uninhabitable. The Housing Board of Appeals has de-
clared the home substandard, a public nuisance and dangerous.


            Sec. 11-31.        Approval of demolition or moving of structures of historic or architec-
            tural worth.

            (a) The demolition or moving of structures of historic or architectural worth shall be discour-
            aged. The commission shall not issue a certificate of approval for demolition of such a struc-
            ture, except when the structure is deemed a hazard to public health or safety by a responsible
            public agency. The commission may, at its own discretion, issue a certificate of approval for
            the demolition or moving of such structure, but shall be guided by the following conditions in
            exercising its judgment in granting such a certificate:

            (1) The director of building inspection deems such structure to be a hazard to public safety or
            health and repairs are impossible.

            (2) Such structure is a deterrent to a major improvement program which will be of substantial
            benefit to the community.

            (3) Retention of such structure would cause undue financial hardship to the owner, which
            would be defined as a situation where more funds than is reasonable would be required to re-
            tain the structure.
            (4) The retention of such structure would not be in the interest of the community as a whole.

            (b) In cases where approval for demolition is granted, for reasons other than public health or
            safety, such certificate shall not become effective until six (6) months after the date of such is-
            suance, in order to provide a period of time within which it may be possible to relieve a hard-
            ship or to cause the property to be transferred to another owner who will retain the structure.
            (Ord. No. 737, § 9, 9-25-73)


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request for the demolition of the home at 240 Monroe Ave as
long as it meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained.

                                     Case 2017-05 – Hackley Park
                                  Applicant: Muskegon Polish Festival
                                      District: National Register
                                        Current Function: Park


The applicant is seeking approval to install a permanent 40 ft x 40 ft dance floor in front of the stage in
the park. The floor would be 6 inches of reinforced concrete with fiberglass to prevent chipping. Please
see the enclosed site plan.


Please see the enclosed Master Plan for Hackley Park.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to install a 40 ft by 40 ft reinforced concrete and fiber-
glass dance floor as proposed, as long as it meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are

                                 Case 2017-06 – 425 W Western Ave
                                  Applicant: Smash Bar & Bistro
                                     District: National Register
                                  Current Function: Commercial


The applicant is seeking approval to install an awning valance at the Western Ave entrance of the build-
ing. Please see the renderings provided.

                              Current Entrance at 425 W Western Ave

                                      Proposed Awning Valance

                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
                              HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                         STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES
                           (Adopted December 6, 1994 - Effective January 1, 1995)

These guidelines pertain only to proposed changes to the structure and do not affect existing construction.

These guidelines are primarily directed toward the front and side elevations of the structure. Greater vari-
ances and more leniency may be extended toward proposed changes to the rear elevation of the building
in Class A districts by the Commission. All desired or proposed changes should be referred to the Histor-
ic District Commission for consideration. Extenuating circumstances, the effect upon the architecture of
the particular structure together with the general effect upon the surrounding structures, variables in archi-
tectural design, or the effect upon usage and viability of the structure could dictate a variance from these

No exterior doors, windows, or exterior woodwork shall be altered, removed, relocated, or added without
Historic District Commission approval.

Existing exterior window or door casings, sills, and caps shall not be altered from the original design or
appearance. Damaged or deteriorated wood shall be repaired as a first course of action. When repair is
not possible, elements shall be replaced with matching wood members. In Class A districts, damaged or
deteriorated wood elements may be replaced or covered with formed aluminum or vinyl, subject to Com-
mission approval and provided that the original profile of the woodwork is not altered or changed.

Primary Windows
Existing damaged or deteriorating window frames and sash shall be repaired as a first course of action.
When repair is not possible, elements shall be replaced with matching wood members. In Class A dis-
tricts, metal or vinyl replacement windows may be acceptable provided they match the original windows
in design and type and that they consist of or are painted an appropriate color. Bare metal finishes gener-
ally will not be acceptable.

The size of glass lites and muntin arrangements shall not be altered without Commission approval. Spe-
cial glazing, such as stained or leaded art glass, shall not be removed without Commission approval. Un-
usual decorative windows such as Palladian windows, oriels, bays, Gothic arch or segment tops, etc. shall
not be removed or altered.

Storm Windows
Wood storm and screen windows are the most appropriate for use in the historic district. Other types of
storm, screen, or combination windows will be approved provided that the new storm window mullions
align with the mullions of the primary windows. Blind stop storm and screen windows (where such win-
dows are placed inside the existing window frames rather than affixed to the exterior of the frames) are
preferable and may be required in some instances. Bare metal storm and screen windows must be painted
to match or complement the trim. Interior storm windows may be acceptable as long as they do not de-
tract from the appearance of the primary windows. Care should be taken, however, when using interior
storm windows because condensation tends to form on the inside surface of the primary window and
could cause damage to the wood and paint if not properly ventilated.

Greater scrutiny will be applied by the commission in reviewing storm and screen windows in Class AA
districts in order to determine the most appropriate option.

Primary Doors
Every effort should be made to preserve or repair the original doors where damage has occurred. When
repair is not possible, the first choice shall be a similar salvaged door from a structure of the approximate
age and style. A new wood door may be used when a salvaged door is not available. Such new door shall
match the original in detail and finish.

In Class A districts the Commission may approve new wood doors that may slightly differ from the origi-
nal in cases where replicating the original may not be feasible, as long as such doors generally conform to
the ones illustrated on the attached sheet. Under certain circumstances in Class A districts, the Commis-
sion may approve doors made of material other than wood provided they conform to the same design re-

Storm Doors
Wooden storm and screen doors are preferred and will generally be the required option in Class AA dis-
tricts, especially on the front of the structure. Aluminum or metal storm and screen doors may be used so
long as they are not mill finished or anodized aluminum. Baked enamel or other applicable paints or fin-
ishes will be acceptable. In general, storm and screen doors shall conform to those illustrated on an at-
tached sheet. The door stiles and rails should be a minimum of 4" wide and one lite doors, where practi-
cal, are preferred in order not to detract from the existing primary door. Jalousie doors are not accepta-

ble for use as storm doors in the historic districts. Ornamental iron work safety doors are also generally
inappropriate in the historic districts.

Exterior Woodwork
Existing decorative woodwork such as railings, moldings, eave, and gable cornice trim, tracery, columns,
observatories, scrolls, bargeboards, lattice, and other carved or sawn wood ornament shall not be removed
or altered without Commission approval. Existing deteriorated ornamental woodwork shall not be re-
moved but shall be repaired or replaced with matching materials where possible.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to install an awning valance as proposed as long as it
meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained.


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