Historic District Agenda 03-05-2019

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                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                       HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                            REGULAR MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                        Tuesday, March 5, 2019
TIME OF MEETING:                        4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                       City Commission Chambers, City Hall


I.     Call to Order

II.    Election of Chair and Vice Chair

III.   Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of February 5, 2019

IV.    New Business

       Case 2019-2 – 1188 4th – Rehabilitation

       Case 2019-3 – 1229 Peck – Windows

V.     Old Business

VI.    Other Business

       HDC Local Standards Review – Window, Door, and Exterior Woodwork, Fence

VII.   Adjourn

       “We admire that which is old not because it is old, but because it is beautiful.” Winston Churchill

       The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired
       and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the
       meeting, upon twenty-four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services
       should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk at 933 Terrace
       Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TTY/TDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that representative dial 231-



                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                             HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                          February 5, 2019

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, S. Radtke, L. Wood, D. Warren, A. Riegler, K. Panozzo

MEMBERS ABSENT:               None

STAFF PRESENT:                J. Pesch, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               G. Sherman, Hansen’s Windows


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of December 4, 2018 was made by J. Hilt, sup-
ported by K. Panozzo and unanimously approved.


Case 2019-01 – 283 Houston Avenue. Window Replacement. Applicant: Debra Tober. District:
Houston. Current Function: Residential. J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seek-
ing approval to replace fourteen (14) windows on the structure with new, vinyl windows. The exist-
ing windows have wood frames, and some are broken or no longer operable. All proposed new win-
dows will match the placement and size of the existing windows, and those proposed for the front of
the house will also match the mullion style of the existing windows.

A. Riegler stated that it would be difficult to replicate what was currently there, using vinyl win-
dows. She asked which windows were being replaced. G. Sherman stated that all windows were
being replaced, with the exception of the ones on the front porch. S. Radtke asked what color the
windows would be. G. Sherman stated that the current windows were mismatched; the new ones
would be white. A. Riegler asked if the window grids would match. G. Sherman stated that they
would be close; there would be two vertical and two horizontal grids. S. Radtke stated that he
wouldn’t have a problem approving the side and rear window replacement but he preferred that the
front windows be repaired; board members concurred, and discussed a motion.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to replace the current windows with new vinyl windows
containing the 2V2H mullion style, with the exception of all windows on the front façade (all porch
windows, the single window on the left side of the porch, and the triparte windows on the right side

of the porch), with the condition that the necessary permits are obtained, and that the windows on
the front façade may not be replaced, but may be repaired with staff approval, was made by A. Rieg-
ler, supported by D. Warren and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, S. Radtke, L. Wood, D. War-
ren, A. Riegler, and K. Panozzo voting aye.


HDC Local Standards Review – J. Pesch distributed the updated standards for “Residing & Trim
Cladding” and “Roofing” that were reviewed at the December meeting. Staff and board members
then discussed the standards for “New Construction, Porches and Decks” and suggested possible
changes that should be incorporated. Board members concurred that it was important to consider
massing, so that homes near each other were of a similar size. D. Warren stated that accessibility
also needed to be considered. J. Pesch and A. Riegler stated that they would do some research into
federal accessibility standards.

March 2019 HDC Training Opportunities – J. Pesch informed board members that The National
Alliance of Preservation Commissions would be offering free, all-day commission training on Fri-
day, March 15th in Ypsilanti, and also on Saturday, March 23rd in Kalamazoo. The same topics will
be covered on both dates. He stated that free training opportunities were not available very often,
and urged members to attend if possible.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.


                             Case 2019-2 – 1188 4th – Rehabilitation
                                  Applicant: City of Muskegon
                                       District: Houston
                                 Current Function: Residential


The applicant is seeking approval to 1) remove the left-hand door on the 4th Street porch, 2) remove
the door and steps on the setback portion of the 4th Street façade, 3) replace all remaining doors, 4)
replace all windows on the house with aluminum-clad wood windows of the same size, design, and
configuration with the exception of items 5 and 6 as noted: 5) eliminate the picture window and re-
configure two double hung windows on the setback portion of the 4th Street façade, 6) eliminate the
two double hung windows flanking the entry door on the Monroe Street façade, 7) extend the roof
over the Monroe Street entry door and add supporting columns, 8) remove the basement door on the
east façade (off of the driveway), 9) cover all existing concrete porches with wood, 10) replace ex-
isting iron handrails with wood handrails, and 11) remove, strip, repaint, and reinstall all original,
decorative wood details. Staff Approval has been granted for the replacement of the existing vinyl
siding and asphalt roofing.

View of house from 4th Street

Existing conditions (left) and proposed window configuration and removal of door and steps (right)

 Left-hand door on porch to be removed, all            Two windows flanking Monroe St. entry to be
 concrete porches to be covered with wood.             eliminated, roof to be extended over steps with
 Iron railings to be replaced with wood railings       supporting columns inspired by below photo

Inspiration photo provided to Staff


Various standards apply.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to 1) remove the left-hand door on the 4th Street
porch, 2) remove the door and steps on the setback portion of the 4th Street façade, 3) replace all re-
maining doors, 4) replace all windows on the house with aluminum-clad wood windows of the same
size, design, and configuration with the exception of items 5 and 6 as noted: 5) eliminate the picture
window and reconfigure two double hung windows on the setback portion of the 4th Street façade, 6)
eliminate the two double hung windows flanking the entry door on the Monroe Street façade, 7) ex-
tend the roof over the Monroe Street entry door and add supporting columns, 8) remove the base-
ment door on the east façade (off of the driveway), 9) cover all existing concrete porches with wood,
10) replace existing iron handrails with wood handrails, and 11) remove, strip, repaint, and reinstall
all original, decorative wood details as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the nec-
essary permits are obtained.

                             Case 2019-3 – 1229 Peck – Windows
                        Applicant: Golden Hills Property Management
                                    District: McLaughlin
                               Current Function: Residential


The applicant is seeking approval to replace one damaged wood window on the first floor of the
north façade with a vinyl window of the same size and configuration. Additional discussion of win-
dow replacement work that was already completed on a section of the north and east façades.

June 2016 photo (prior to window replacement work)

Photo showing north and east façade window replacement work in process

New window installed on east façade

North façade window replacement, far left, first floor window proposed to be replaced

Window on north façade to be replaced            Interior view of same window with broken glass


These guidelines pertain only to proposed changes to the structure and do not affect existing con-

These guidelines are primarily directed toward the front and side elevations of the structure. Greater
variances and more leniency may be extended toward proposed changes to the rear elevation of the
building by the Commission. All desired or proposed changes should be referred to the Historic Dis-
trict Commission for consideration. Extenuating circumstances, the effect upon the architecture of
the particular structure together with the general effect upon the surrounding structures, variables in
architectural design, or the effect upon usage and viability of the structure could dictate a variance
from these guidelines.

No exterior doors, windows, or exterior woodwork shall be altered, removed, relocated, or added
without Historic District Commission approval.

Existing exterior window or door casings, sills, and caps shall not be altered from the original design
or appearance. Damaged or deteriorated wood shall be repaired as a first course of action. When re-

pair is not possible, elements shall be replaced with matching wood members. Damaged or deterio-
rated wood elements may be replaced or covered with formed aluminum or vinyl, subject to Com-
mission approval and provided that the original profile of the woodwork is not altered or changed.

Primary Windows
Existing damaged or deteriorating window frames and sash shall be repaired as a first course of ac-
tion. When repair is not possible, elements shall be replaced with matching wood members. Metal or
vinyl replacement windows may be acceptable provided they match the original windows in design
and type and that they consist of or are painted an appropriate color. Bare metal finishes generally
will not be acceptable.

The size of glass lites and muntin arrangements shall not be altered without Commission approval.
Special glazing, such as stained or leaded art glass, shall not be removed without Commission ap-
proval. Unusual decorative windows such as Palladian windows, oriels, bays, Gothic arch or seg-
ment tops, etc. shall not be removed or altered.

Storm Windows
Wood storm and screen windows are the most appropriate for use in the historic district. Other types
of storm, screen, or combination windows will be approved provided that the new storm window
mullions align with the mullions of the primary windows. Blind stop storm and screen windows
(where such windows are placed inside the existing window frames rather than affixed to the exteri-
or of the frames) are preferable and may be required in some instances. Bare metal storm and screen
windows must be painted to match or complement the trim. Interior storm windows may be ac-
ceptable as long as they do not detract from the appearance of the primary windows. Care should be
taken, however, when using interior storm windows because condensation tends to form on the in-
side surface of the primary window and could cause damage to the wood and paint if not properly

Primary Doors
Every effort should be made to preserve or repair the original doors where damage has occurred.
When repair is not possible, the first choice shall be a similar salvaged door from a structure of the
approximate age and style. A new wood door may be used when a salvaged door is not available.
Such new door shall match the original in detail and finish.

The Commission may approve new wood doors that may slightly differ from the original in cases
where replicating the original may not be feasible, as long as such doors generally conform to the
ones illustrated on the attached sheet. Under certain circumstances, the Commission may approve
doors made of material other than wood provided they conform to the same design requirements.

Storm Doors
Wooden storm and screen doors are preferred and will generally be the required option especially on
the front of the structure. Aluminum or metal storm and screen doors may be used so long as they
are not mill finished or anodized aluminum. Baked enamel or other applicable paints or finishes will
be acceptable. In general, storm and screen doors shall conform to those illustrated on an attached
sheet. The door stiles and rails should be a minimum of 4” wide and one lite doors, where practical,
are preferred in order not to detract from the existing primary door. Jalousie doors are not acceptable

for use as storm doors in the historic districts. Ornamental iron work safety doors are also generally
inappropriate in the historic districts.

Exterior Woodwork
Existing decorative woodwork such as railings, moldings, eave, and gable cornice trim, tracery, col-
umns, observatories, scrolls, bargeboards, lattice, and other carved or sawn wood ornament shall not
be removed or altered without Commission approval. Existing deteriorated ornamental woodwork
shall not be removed but shall be repaired or replaced with matching materials where possible.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to replace one damaged wood window on the first
floor of the north façade with a vinyl window of the same size and configuration as long as the work
meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained.




HDC Local Standards Review – Window, Door, and Exterior Woodwork, Fence – Commis-
sioners agreed to review the local standards for Window, Door, & Exterior Woodwork and Fence in
preparation for this meeting. The revised local standards for Roofing, New Construction, and Porch-
es & Decks incorporating comments from the February meeting are included with the Staff Report.



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