Historic District Agenda 06-04-2019

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                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                       HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                            REGULAR MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                        Tuesday, June 4, 2019
TIME OF MEETING:                        4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                       City Commission Chambers, City Hall


I.     Call to Order

II.    Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of May 7, 2019

III.   New Business

       Case 2019-8 – 350 W. Webster (Hackley Park) – Pavement

       Case 2019-9 – 508, 512 W. Webster – House Move / New Construction

       Case 2019-10 – 561 W. Western – Banner

       Case 2019-11 – 380 Houston – New Construction

IV.    Old Business

       Case 2018-42 – 240, 250, 254 Monroe

V.     Other Business

       HDC Local Standards Review

VI.    Adjourn

       “We admire that which is old not because it is old, but because it is beautiful.” Winston Churchill

       The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired
       and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the
       meeting, upon twenty-four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services
       should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk at 933 Terrace
       Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TTY/TDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that representative dial 231-


                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                             HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                             May 5, 2019

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, S. Radtke, D. Warren, K. George, L. Wood

MEMBERS ABSENT:               K. Panozzo, excused, A. Riegler, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                J. Pesch, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               P. Camp, N. Bierenga and L. Olechnowicz from the Greater Mus-
                              kegon Woman’s Club

A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of April 2, 2019 was made by S. Radtke, support-
ed by K. Panozzo and unanimously approved.

Case 2019-07 – 280 W. Webster Avenue (Roof). Applicant: The Greater Muskegon Woman’s
Club. District: Downtown Structures. Current Function: Club. J. Pesch presented the staff report.
The applicant is seeking approval to remove the clay tile roof, repair and replace damaged roof
boards, reinforce joists as needed, place sheathing over roof surface, install new ice and water shield
on all eaves and valleys, and install new metal shingles in clay profile. The applicant prepared a
presentation for the meeting.

The slide presentation described the Woman’s Club and its history. The roof of the building was the
first clay roof in Muskegon but it was now 114 years old and needed replacing. Several of the clay
tiles were broken or missing. They had been making repairs as best they could over the years but
there was now water leakage and damage to the roof structure so they needed to replace it. The clay
tiles were extremely heavy and the club members were concerned about the ability of the 114-year-
old building to be able to continue to support a clay tile roof. It was also very expensive, with repair
estimates coming in at over $300,000; they brought in a sample of a clay-tile-look metal roofing
product that would cost about half as much and weigh much less. Regarding the gutter system, the
current one was built into the roof itself and was in poor condition. They would like to sheet over
the existing eaves trough and install new functional gutters. K. Panozzo asked if they would be re-
placing any boards. L. Olechnowicz stated that, based on the last inspection in 2013, they would
need to replace several damaged boards. S. Radtke asked if they had looked into having the roof
repaired instead of replacing it. L. Olechnowicz thought that there was too much damage to try to
replace tiles. The roofing inspector found so many damaged tiles that he stopped documenting the

damage in photos after the first several. P. Camp stated that they had replaced individual broken
tiles in the past but there were too many now, their supply of replacement tiles was depleted, and the
underlying roof structure was also damaged. Pictures of several damaged areas of the roof were
provided for board members’ review. K. George pointed out that just replacing tiles would not nec-
essarily address the water leaks and underlying damage. S. Radtke asked what the life expectancy
was on the metal tiles. L. Olechnowicz stated that it was 100 years. They requested input from
HDC members in choosing between two colors of metal tiles that they had. Board members con-
curred that the lighter of the two choices presented was preferable.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to remove the clay tile roof, repair and replace roof
boards, reinforce joists as needed, place sheathing over roof surface, install new ice and water shield
on all eaves and valleys, and install new metal shingles in clay profile using the lighter shade of the
two options, as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are ob-
tained was made by K. Panozzo, supported by L. Wood and approved, with J. Hilt, D. Warren, K.
George, and L. Wood voting aye and S. Radtke voting nay.


Muskegon Heritage Museum – there has been a large banner-type sign installed on their exterior
wall without HDC approval. J. Pesch stated that he would follow up on it.

Hackley Park – J. Pesch mentioned that there may be a group in the near future requesting to install
5’ x 5’cement pads and a cement pathway near the Hackley Park stage to place speakers on.

HDC Local Standards Review – The revised local standards for Window, Door, & Exterior Wood-
work and Fence incorporating comments from the April meeting were included with the staff report.
Staff and board members gave suggestions for the final update.

Holland Regional HDC Training – J. Pesch notified board members that a free regional HDC train-
ing opportunity would take place on Wednesday, May 22nd from 6:00 – 8:30pm in Holland, and he
explained how to register for it at https://southwestmichiganhdctraining2019.eventbrite.com He en-
couraged board members to attend if they were able.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m.


                   Case 2019-8 – 350 W. Webster (Hackley Park) – Pavement
                                    Applicant: Eric Shedd
                                  District: National Register
                                   Current Function: Park


The applicant is seeking approval to pave 5’ x 5’ cement pads on both sides of the stage as well as a
sidewalk along the north side of the stage. The paved areas would serve as a ground-level surface
for moving and placing temporary speakers used by events held at the park.

Proposed pavement location and width         Proposed location of sidewalk on north side of stage


The Historic District Commission requested to review the proposed changes due to their location in
Hackley Park. Other, similar proposals at Hackley Park were reviewed by the HDC in the past.

Typically, Staff can approve construction/reconstruction of driveways and sidewalks provided no
material is historic in nature (i.e. historic pavers and bricks). Staff may also approve repair of drive-
ways and walkways when like material and configuration is used. New construction may be ap-
proved if a traditional layout is used. All projects must have Zoning and Engineering approval if


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to pave 5’ x 5’ cement pads on both sides of the
stage as well as a sidewalk along the north side of the stage as long as the work meets all zoning re-
quirements and the necessary permits are obtained.

             Case 2019-9 – 508, 512 W. Webster – House Move / New Construction
                             Applicant: Community enCompass
                                    District: Clay-Western
                                 Current Function: Vacant Lot


The applicant is seeking approval to relocate the house currently located at 1190 Ireland Avenue to
the vacant property at 508 and 512 W. Webster Avenue. The applicant is also requesting to con-
struct a new, two-stall garage at the W. Webster location sided with vinyl siding to match the exist-
ing house.

House at 1190 Ireland

Vacant property at 508 and 512 W. Webster

Proposed, adjusted property boundaries at 508 and 512 W. Webster; house would be moved to Par-
cel 1.


Although a significant amount of the Commission's work is centered on historic structures, the con-
struction of new structures on vacant lots within historic districts is permitted and encouraged.
However, those professionals designing new structures should strive for excellence in design wheth-
er small individual infill construction within the existing historic district blocks, or larger inde-
pendently sited projects. New structures should be in keeping with the existing historical character
of the neighborhood or district with a design that is compatible with the size, scale, material, and
color of the surrounding buildings and landscaping. Good design which responds positively to its
surroundings can be done in several different ways; therefore, it is impossible to develop specific
interpretations which will apply in all cases. Every site has its own design opportunities.

The following design recommendations shall be used by the Historic District Commission in evalu-
ating requests for new construction within the districts. These basic criteria should be a part of any
proposed design brought before the Commission for approval.

Recommended                                            Not Recommended

Height - Relating the overall height of new            Height - Introducing new construction that
construction to that of adjacent structures.           varies greatly in height (too high or too low)
As a general rule, construct new buildings to          from older buildings in the vicinity. Ex-
a height roughly equal to the average height           treme differences in building heights will
of existing buildings from the historic period         have a detrimental visual effects on the ap-
on and across the street.                              pearance of surrounding property.

Scale - Relating the size and proportions of           Scale - Creating buildings that in height,
new structures to the scale of adjacent build-         width, or massing violate the existing scale
ings. Although a building may be much                  of the area. The new building should not
larger than its neighbors in terms of square           disrupt the scale and rhythm of the
footage, it should maintain the same scale             streetscape, although it might be appropriate
and rhythm as the existing buildings.                  in a different location.

Massing - Breaking up uninteresting box-               Massing - Introducing single, monolithic
like forms into smaller, varied masses such            forms that are not relieved by variations in
as are common on most buildings from the               massing. Box-like facades and forms are
historic period.    Variety of form and                intrusive when placed in a streetscape of
massing are elements essential to the charac-          older buildings that have varied massing and
ter of the streetscape in historic districts.          facade articulation.
For example, if an infill site is large, the
mass of the facade can be broken into a
number of small bays.

Directional Expression - Relating the verti-           Directional Expression - Creating strongly
cal, horizontal, or non-directional facade             horizontal or vertical facade expressions un-
character of new buildings to the predomi-             less compatible with the character of struc-
nant directional expression of nearby build-           tures in the immediate area. A new building
ings. Horizontal buildings can be made to              that does not relate well to its neighbors or
relate to the more vertical adjacent structures        to the rhythm of the streetscape because of
by breaking the facade into smaller masses             an unbroken horizontal facade should be
that conform to the primary expression of              avoided.
the streetscape.

Setback - Maintaining the historic facade              Setback - Violating the existing setback pat-
lines of streetscape by locating front walls of        tern by placing a new building in front of or
new buildings in the same plane as the fa-             behind the historic facade line. Placing
cades of adjacent buildings. If exceptions             buildings at odd angles to the street, unless
are made, buildings should be set back into            in an area where diverse siting already ex-
the lot rather than closer to the street. If ex-       ists, even if property setback is maintained,
isting setbacks vary, new buildings should             should be avoided.
conform to historic siting patterns.

Sense of Entry - Articulating the main en-           Sense of Entry - Introducing facades with no
trances to the building with covered porches,        strong sense of entry. Side entries or entries
porticos, and other pronounced architectural         not defined by a porch or similar transitional
forms. Entries were historically raised a few        element result in an incompatible "flat" first-
steps above the grade of the property and            floor facade.
were a prominent visual feature of the street
elevation of the building.

Roof Shapes - Relating the roof forms of the         Roof Shapes - Introducing roof shapes,
new buildings to those found in the area.            pitches, or materials not traditionally used in
Although not entirely necessary, duplication         the area.
of the existing or traditional roof shapes,
pitches, and materials on new construction is
one way of making new structures more vis-
ually compatible.

Rhythm of Openings - Respecting the recur-           Rhythm of Openings - Introducing incom-
rent alteration of wall areas with door and          patible facade patterns that upset the rhythm
window elements in the facade. Also con-             of openings established in surrounding
sidering the width-to-height ratio of bays in        structures. For example, glass walls and
the facade. The placement of openings with           window and door shapes and locations
respect to the facade's overall composition,         which are disrespectful to the adjoining
symmetry or balanced symmetry should be              buildings.
carefully studied.

Design Expression - Composing the materi-            Design Expression - Violating the existing
als, textures and colors of the new building         character of the district by introducing non-
facade to compliment adjacent facades and            compatible materials, textures, colors, de-
relating details and decorations of the new          tails, and decoration on new buildings.
building to those of existing surrounding

Imitations - Accurate restoration of or visu-        Imitations - Replicating or imitating the
ally compatible additions to existing build-         styles, motif, or details of older periods.
ings and former construction, contemporary           Such attempts detract from the character of
architecture that well represents our own            the district by compromising what is truly
time yet, enhances the nature and character          historic.
of the historic district.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to relocate the house currently located at 1190 Ire-
land Avenue to the vacant property at 508 and 512 W. Webster Avenue and to construct a new, two-
stall garage at the W. Webster location sided with vinyl siding to match the existing house as long as
the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained.

                            Case 2019-10 – 561 W. Western – Banner
                            Applicant: Muskegon Heritage Association
                                     District: Clay-Western
                                 Current Function: Commercial


The applicant is seeking approval to install a banner sign on the west side of the building near the
rear alley. The work has already been completed.

Banner sign as viewed from 6th Street.

Standards (Abbreviated)

Any banner hung either with or without frames that contains a message, symbol, or which is simply
a decorative addition is considered a sign…Banners, when permitted, are on an interim basis only
and shall be annually reviewed by the Historic District Commission to ensure their sightly appear-


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to install a banner sign on the west side of the
building near the rear alley as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary
permits are obtained.

                        Case 2019-11 – 380 Houston – New Construction
                            Applicant: Bethany Housing Ministries
                                       District: Houston
                                Current Function: Vacant Lot


The applicant is seeking approval to construct a fourplex (see included site plan and elevation draw-
ings). The structure will be sided with SmartSide engineered wood siding and trim, and the front of
the structure will also have decorative trim to reflect existing homes in the area.

Vacant lot at 380 Houston

Proposed elevations

Proposed site plan


See above Design Guidelines for New Construction included with case 2019-9.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to construct the fourplex as depicted in the draw-
ings provided at the June 4th, 2019 HDC meeting and that the structure be sided with SmartSide en-
gineered wood siding and trim, and decorative trim on the front of the structure as long as the work
meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained.


                   Case 2018-42 – 240, 250, 254 Monroe – New Construction
                 Applicant: City of Muskegon/Dave Dusendang Custom Homes
                                       District: Houston
                                 Current Function: Vacant Lot


At the December 4, 2018 meeting, a motion that the HDC approve the concept of building six mod-
ular rowhouses on the vacant lots at 240, 250, and 254 Monroe Avenue but table the approval until
revised drawings were presented based on input given by the HDC, was approved. The applicant is
seeking approval to construct six rowhouses on three vacant lots on the north side of Monroe Ave-
nue between 3rd Street and 4th Street (four additional rowhouses will be built across the street on 235
and 239 Monroe, but those will not be located in an historic district). The units will have attached
garages accessed from the rear alley. Updated drawings will be available at the meeting.

Original drawing submitted showing front façade


See above Design Guidelines for New Construction included with case 2019-9.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to construct six rowhouses on the vacant lots at
240, 250, and 254 Monroe Avenue as depicted in the drawings provided at the June 4th, 2019 HDC
meeting as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained.


HDC Local Standards Review – Staff is assembling a final draft incorporating the changes to the
HDC’s various local standards discussed over past meetings.



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