Historic District Agenda 10-04-2022

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                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                            HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                                 REGULAR MEETING

 DATE OF MEETING:                             Tuesday, October 4, 2022
 TIME OF MEETING:                             4:00 p.m.
 PLACE OF MEETING:                            Conference Room 204, City Hall


 I.         Call to Order

 II.        Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of September 6, 2022

 III.       Old Business

 IV.        New Business

            Case 2022-32 – 593 W. Western – New Construction

 V.         Other Business

            Staff Approval Update #3

 VI.        Adjourn

            “We admire that which is old not because it is old, but because it is beautiful.” Winston Churchill
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Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of September 6, 2022.




                      Case 2022-32 – 593 W. Western – New Construction
                             Applicant: Mulder Western Ave LLC
                                    District: Clay-Western
                                Current Function: Vacant Lot


The applicant is seeking approval to construct a new three-story mixed-use building with a
community room penthouse level.

Rendering of proposed new building viewed from W. Western Avenue, looking south.

Existing vacant lot viewed from W. Western Avenue, looking south.

Proposed building site plan.

Proposed W. Western Avenue elevation showing setback penthouse level.


Although a significant amount of the Commission’s work is centered on historic structures, the
construction of new structures on vacant lots within historic districts is permitted and encouraged.
However, those professionals designing new structures should strive for excellence in design whether
small individual infill construction within the existing historic district blocks, or larger independently
sited projects. New structures should be in keeping with the existing historical character of the
neighborhood or district with a design that is compatible with the size, scale, material, and color of
the surrounding buildings and landscaping. Good design which responds positively to its surroundings
can be done in several different ways; therefore, it is impossible to develop specific interpretations
which will apply in all cases. Every site has its own design opportunities.
The following design recommendations shall be used by the Historic District Commission in
evaluating requests for new construction within the districts. These basic criteria should be a part of
any proposed design brought before the Commission for approval.
Recommended                                              Not Recommended
Height - Relating the overall height of new              Height - Introducing new construction that
construction to that of adjacent structures. As          varies greatly in height (too high or too low)
a general rule, construct new buildings to a             from older buildings in the vicinity. Extreme
height roughly equal to the average height of            differences in building heights will have a
existing buildings from the historic period on           detrimental visual effects on the appearance
and across the street.                                   of surrounding property.
Scale - Relating the size and proportions of             Scale - Creating buildings that in height,
new structures to the scale of adjacent                  width, or massing violate the existing scale of
buildings. Although a building may be much               the area. The new building should not disrupt
larger than its neighbors in terms of square             the scale and rhythm of the streetscape,
footage, it should maintain the same scale               although it might be appropriate in a different
and rhythm as the existing buildings.                    location.
Massing - Breaking up uninteresting box-like             Massing - Introducing single, monolithic
forms into smaller, varied masses such as are            forms that are not relieved by variations in
common on most buildings from the historic               massing. Box-like facades and forms are
period. Variety of form and massing are                  intrusive when placed in a streetscape of
elements essential to the character of the               older buildings that have varied massing and
streetscape in historic districts. For example,          facade articulation.
if an infill site is large, the mass of the facade
can be broken into a number of small bays.

Directional Expression - Relating the                    Directional Expression - Creating strongly
vertical, horizontal, or non-directional facade          horizontal or vertical facade expressions
character of new buildings to the                        unless compatible with the character of
predominant directional expression of nearby             structures in the immediate area. A new
buildings. Horizontal buildings can be made              building that does not relate well to its
to relate to the more vertical adjacent                  neighbors or to the rhythm of the streetscape

structures by breaking the facade into smaller        because of an unbroken horizontal facade
masses that conform to the primary                    should be avoided.
expression of the streetscape.

Setback - Maintaining the historic facade             Setback - Violating the existing setback
lines of streetscape by locating front walls of       pattern by placing a new building in front of
new buildings in the same plane as the                or behind the historic facade line. Placing
facades of adjacent buildings. If exceptions          buildings at odd angles to the street, unless in
are made, buildings should be set back into           an area where diverse siting already exists,
the lot rather than closer to the street. If          even if property setback is maintained,
existing setbacks vary, new buildings should          should be avoided.
conform to historic siting patterns.

Sense of Entry - Articulating the main                Sense of Entry - Introducing facades with no
entrances to the building with covered                strong sense of entry. Side entries or entries
porches, porticos, and other pronounced               not defined by a porch or similar transitional
architectural forms. Entries were historically        element result in an incompatible "flat" first-
raised a few steps above the grade of the             floor facade.
property and were a prominent visual feature
of the street elevation of the building.

Roof Shapes - Relating the roof forms of the          Roof Shapes - Introducing roof shapes,
new buildings to those found in the area.             pitches, or materials not traditionally used in
Although not entirely necessary, duplication          the area.
of the existing or traditional roof shapes,
pitches, and materials on new construction is
one way of making new structures more
visually compatible.

Rhythm of Openings - Respecting the                   Rhythm of Openings - Introducing
recurrent alteration of wall areas with door          incompatible facade patterns that upset the
and window elements in the facade. Also               rhythm of openings established in
considering the width-to-height ratio of bays         surrounding structures. For example, glass
in the facade. The placement of openings              walls and window and door shapes and
with respect to the facade's overall                  locations which are disrespectful to the
composition, symmetry or balanced                     adjoining buildings.
symmetry should be carefully studied.

Design Expression - Composing the                     Design Expression - Violating the existing
materials, textures and colors of the new             character of the district by introducing non-
building facade to compliment adjacent                compatible materials, textures, colors,
facades and relating details and decorations          details, and decoration on new buildings.
of the new building to those of existing
surrounding buildings.

Imitations - Accurate restoration of or               Imitations - Replicating or imitating the
visually compatible additions to existing             styles, motif, or details of older periods. Such
buildings   and    former    construction,            attempts detract from the character of the
contemporary architecture that       well             district by compromising what is truly

represents our own time yet, enhances the            historic.
nature and character of the historic district.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to construct a new three-story mixed-use building
with a community room penthouse level as presented at the October 4, 2022 HDC meeting as long
as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained.


2022 Staff Approval Update #3 – Since the last update in July 2022, Staff has approved three
projects, those bolded were discussed with the HDC chairperson prior to approval:

   -   1314 Peck – Removal of defunct chimney

   -   1541 Clinton – Repair damaged siding and trim

   -   1642 Jefferson – Installation of 4’-tall black aluminum fence



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