Downtown Development Authority Agenda 04-12-2022

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                                                CITY OF MUSKEGON


                                                 REGULAR MEETING

                    DATE OF MEETING:                                   Tuesday, April 12, 2022

                    TIME OF MEETING:                                   10:30A.M.
                    PLACE OF MEETING:                                  City Hall Commission Chambers,
                                                                       933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI


     I.        Roll Call

     II.       Approval of the meeting minutes of Dec. 14, 2021

     III.      Brownfield Redevelopment Authority business

               A. Update on EGLE grant for 122 W. Muskegon (Peter Wills)

     IV.       Downtown Development Authority business
               A. DDA financial statement 3-31-22 (City Finance)
               B. Watch Muskegon 2.0 marketing support (Dave Alexander)
               C. Supp01i ofMDA event in November (Dave Alexander)
               D. DDA fund balance spending plan (Dave Alexander)
               E. DDA-BID-Social District future funding of downtown (Dave Alexander)
               F. Event updates - MMM, Taste and LAF (City Clerk event staff)
               G. Communications - support of two grant applications (information)

     V.        Other

     VI.       Adjourn

                             ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES

  The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want
 to attend the meeting, 24- hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or
 services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk at
    933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TTY/TDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that
                                             representative dial 231-724-6705
                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON


                             REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                       December 14, 2021

The meeting was held in the City Commission Chambers. Chairperson M. Bottomley called the
meeting to order at 10:30 AM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:            M. Bottomley, J. Riegler, M. Johnson Sr., M. Kleaveland, J. Moore,
                            H. Systema, F. Peterson, S. Black, D. Kalisz.

MEMBERS ABSENT:             (Members excused) J. Wallace Jr., D. Pollock, B. Hastings,

STAFF PRESENT:              P. Wills, Director of Strategic Initiatives; D. Alexander,
                            Downtown Manager, J. Eckholm, Director of Economic
                            Development/Development Services Division, and Mike Franzak,
                            Director of Planning.

OTHERS PRESENT:             None

Motion by F. Peterson, second by M. Kleaveland, to approve the regular meeting minutes for
November 30, 2021. Voice vote, all approved.



Agenda Item A: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial statement for
Nov. 30, 2021.

       Staff recommendation: To accept the Nov. 30, 2021 financial statement.

       Motion: Made by D. Kalisz, seconded by F. Peterson, to accept the Nov. 30, 2021
       financial statement.

       All in favor, motion passes.

Agenda Item B: Information was presented by Ann Meisch about the Recognition ofLakeshore
Art Festival Award.
Agenda Item C: Staff was approached last week by Carla Flanders of CMF Marketing &
Events and the Lakeshore Art Festival to have the city and the DDA back a new late-winter
event to generate downtown activity, support LAF vendors and delight customers.

       Staff recommendation: Staff recommends the DDA be the fiduciary for the new
       Michigan Makers Market on March 12, 2022 in the same way the DDA has financially
       backed the Lakeshore Art Festival and Taste of Muskegon through the city clerk's event

       Motion: Made by H. Systema, seconded by M. Kleaveland, for the DDA to support the
       creation of a new March 12, 2022 one-day mi and crafts event in the VanDyk Mortgage
       Convention Center in Downtown Muskegon as fiduciary of the event.

       All in favor, motion passes.

Agenda Item D: Staff is for authorization to renew a management contract with CMF
Marketing & Events to produce a new 2022 Michigan Market Makers event in downtown

       Staff recommendation: To approve a new event management agreement with CMF
       Marketing & Events for the Michigan Market Makers on March 12, 2022.

       Motion: Made by J. Riegler, seconded by J. Moore, to approve a new event management
       agreement with CMF Marketing & Events for the Michigan Market Makers and direct
       City Clerk Ann Meisch to execute it.

       All in favor, motion passes



                      Muskegon Downtown Development Authority

                                Agenda item A for 4-12-22

                  Acceptance of financial statement March 31, 2022

Requesting party: City Economic Development

Outline of request: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial statement
for March 31, 2022.

Background: The finances of the DDA are in a strong position. The DDA received its tax
increment finance payment of $316,282 about $6,000 more than was estimated in the budget.
The office and misc operating line item is $3,000 over budget but marketing and promotions
line item is about $25,000 under budget. The estimated fund balance as of June 30, 2022
remains at about $120,000

Staff comments: Items later in the agenda address both the marketing line item and the fund

Staff recommendation: To accept the March 31, 2022 financial statement.

Suggested motion: I move to accept the March 31, 2022 financial statement.
                    DDA FINANCIAL FOR 03/31/2022

                                                                                                                                  FY TOTALS
Revenues                                         FY 2020-21 BUDGET          FY2020-21 ACTUAL          FY2021-22 BUDGET          MARCH 31, 2022
Tax Increment                                     $      490,931.00     $           490,931.00    $           310,287.00    $          316,282.00
Reimbursement - State                             $                -                              $                   -     $                  -
Event Revenue *                                                                                   $                   -     $                  -
Trans From Capital Projects Fund                                                                  $                   -     $                  -
Interest Income
Fundraising Revenue
                                                  $          100.00     $               578.94    $                   -     $                  -
BID Income (or $50,000 levy) **                   $      112,653.00     $            50,000.00    $            17,000.00    $                    -
Sponsorship                                       $                -                              $                   -     $                    -
Former Mall Brownfield Income (GF)                $                -                              $                   -     $                    -
Total                                             $      603,684.00    $            S41,509.94    $           327,287.00    $          316,282.00

Expenses                                              FY 2020-21            FY2020-21 ACTUAL             FY 2021-22               FY 2021-22
Business Dev. Manager Wages                       $       73,781.00     $            75,024.35                              $           56,192.29
Tra ns to GF - Marketing, Events, Overhead        $                -                              $                   -
FICA (7.65%)                                      $         5,848.00    $             5,651.85    $                   -     $            4,505.91
Workers Comp (2%)                                 $          410.00     $              430.76     $                   -     $              293.95
Insurance                                         $         7,748.00                              $                   -     $            3,242.19
Residency Bonus (4%)                              $         2,743.00    $             4,881.40    $                   -
Life Insurance (0.24%)                            $          270.00     $               301.84    $                   -     $              247.22
401(k) (6%)                                       $         8,000.00    $             6,756.40    $                   -     $            5,376.28
Total Salaries/Benefits                           $       98,800.00     $            93,046.60    $            95,500.00    $           69,857.84
Walkability Improvements                          $                -                              $                   -
Streetscape/Wayfinding / Walkability              $                -                              $                   -
Public Art (Downtown Initiative)                  $                -                              $                   -
Landscaping                                                             $             3,000.00    $            15,000.00    $           10,625.00
Snow Removal                                      $                -
Fa~ade Program                                    $                -                                                        $                    -
Financial Incentives                              $                -                                                        $                    -
Downtown Park(s)*** *                             $                -    $             3,598.80    $             9,000.00    $            6,636.15
Marketing/Promotions                              $                -    $             9,703.22    $            32,000.00    $            6,662.47
Blight                                            $                -
Office Space and Misc Operating                   $                -    $             6,909.23    $             9,000.00    $           11,934.48
Total Recurring Costs                             $                -    $            23,211.25    $            65,000.00    $           35,858.10
Morris Street Lot                                 $                -                              $                   -     $                    -
Taste of Muskegon                                 $                -                              $                   -
Lakeshore Art Festival                                                                            $                   -
Projects and Events                               $                -    $                  -      $                   -     $                    -
County Debt Payments ($1M)                        $                -    $           134,072.00    $                   -
Mercy Health Arena HVAC/Roof* ******              $      208,051.00     $           208,051.00    $           130,000.00    $                    -
Other Debt Payments (smartzone)                   $                -                              $                   -     $                    -
Total Debt Payments                               $      208,051.00     $           342,123.00    $           130,000.00    $                    -
Total Expenses                                    $      306,851.00     $           458,380.85    $           290,500.00    $          105,715.94

Net Rev/Expenses                                I$       296,833.oo 1 $              a3,129.o9 I$              36,1a1.oo   I$          210,sGG.06    I
Fund Balance at Beginning of Year                                      I$             6,341.00 I                           1$           89,476.091

Fund Balance at End of Year                                            1$            89,476.091                            1$          300,042.151

                              O:\Planning\COMMON\DDA - BRA\DDA - BRA 2022 -- current year\DDA financi als 3-31-22
                     Muskegon Downtown Development Authority

                                  Agenda item B for 4-12-22

                                Watch Muskegon 2.0 support

Requesting party: City Economic Development

Outline of request: Staff is asking the DDA board to consider support of the next phase of the
Watch Muskegon campaign.

Background: The City of Muskegon launched the highly successful Watch US GO image
campaign a half dozen years ago. The Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce managed
the campaign until this year when the city took back the brand and its marketing. Please find
the story line for living here and talent recruitment for WM 2.0. Also see an initial estimate of
direct advertising buys. The city and chamber are splitting the development of the next
messaging and creative. Along with the county's Visit Muskegon, the group is looking to raise
funds for the initial media buys, which will be digital.

Staff comments: No area of Muskegon will benefit more from WM 2.0 than downtown. Staff
would like to take a portion of the $25,000 in the marketing budget to contribute to the Watch
Muskegon campaign. There is no specific plan for marketing dollars this year. There are no
billboard campaigns to join as in past years. Support of a downtown retail study as part of the
city's master planning process might become an ask in the next fiscal year but nothing specific

Staff recommendation: Staff would suggest $10,000 in support of Watch Muskegon 2.0 media
buys, either more or less.

Suggested motion: I move to contribute $(XXX} for media buys in the Watch Muskegon 2.0

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