Community Relations Agenda 05-08-2017

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                          City of Muskegon

                              Monday, May 8, 2017
                           City Commission Chambers

1.   Approval of April 10, 2017 Minutes

2.   Board Openings:

     Make recommendations for appointment to the Business Improvement District
     and the Community Development Block Grant – Citizen’s District Council

     Business Imp District Applicants: Brett Gilbert &
     Clyde Whitehouse (Clyde Whitehouse Recommended by Frank Peterson)

     CDBG Applicants: Scott Banniga, Jason Coleman, &
     Jeremy Lenertz (Jeremy Lenertz Recommended)

3.   Proposed Changes to Talent Bank Application: As recommended by
     Employment Opportunity Committee

4.   Any Other Business

5.   Adjournment

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