Community Relations Agenda 09-10-2018

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                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           Monday, September 10, 2018
                           City Commission Chambers

1.   Minutes
     -Approval of June 11, 2018 Minutes

2.   Community Development Block Grant-Citizen District Council
     -Tom Pastoor resigned, Citizen at Large term expiring 1/31/2019
     -Included are applications from current applicants who indicated they are willing
     to serve on any board
            -Eleanor Canter
            -Phyllis Howard
            -Terry Puffer

3.   Citizen Police Review Board
     -Ellouise Hieftje resigned, Neighborhood Association Representative term
     expiring 1/31/2019
     -Carlos Flores resigned, Member of a Minority Based Organization term expiring

3.   Construction Code Board of Appeals
     -Chad Grinwis passed away, Architect term expiring 1/31/2020
     -Brion Boucher application included

4.   Housing Commission
     -Maxine Lenear resigned, Citizen term expiring 1/31/2021

5.   Other Business

6.   Adjournment

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