Downtown Business Improvement District Minutes 06-29-2020

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      Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
                                      Meeting Minutes
                                       June 29, 2020
                                          Muskegon City Hall
                                   933 Terrace Muskegon, MI 49440
                              Virtually on City of Muskegon Facebook Live

1) Call to Order: 8:02 AM

   Attendance: Bob Tarrant, Kathy Denison John Riegler and Mike Hennessy.
    Excused Absent(s): Phyllis Watson-Laudermill, Frank Peterson and Bruce Lindstrom.
    Guests: Dave Alexander, city Business Development Manager.

2) Consent agenda

       a) Approval of the agenda
       b) Approval of the Minutes from Feb. 24, 2020 meeting

   Motion to approve the consent agenda with corrections to minutes: John Riegler
   Support: Kathy Denison
   All voted in favor

3) Public Comment (on an agenda item) – The board chose to leave the floor open for the
   whole meeting allowing attendees to participate as they like.

4) New Business

                            a) Accept the financial statement dated May. 31, 2020 and
                               review of financial position. The BID account had $158,194
                               and the BID budget is on track.

    Motion to accept: John Riegler
   Support: Kathy Denison
   All voted in favor

                            b) Dave Alexander presented newly signed legislation that allows
                               a BID to assess residential property. The BID board needs to
                               consider that option before recommending a renewal proposal
                               to the Muskegon City Commission. In discussion on the
                               residential property assessments within BIDs, John Riegler and
                               Kathy Denison said this is no time to add new taxes. Bob
                 Tarrant said the board must at least consider such as even
                 home owners receive services and benefits from downtown.
                 But many felt that assessing single-family properties doesn’t
                 seem right. The board took no vote but asked Dave Alexander
                 to provide an analysis of residential properties in the newly
                 suggested BID.
              c) Dave Alexander gave a report and update on the state’s new
                 Social District law. The city of Muskegon is expected to
                 aggressively pursue a district for downtown Muskegon. No vote
                 was taken.
              d) The board again looked at the parameters of a three-year BID
                 renewal that had the general consensus of the board in
                 February. The district would be reduced, rates remaining the
                 same and BID work would be limited to summer landscaping
                 and winter sidewalk snow removal to reflect the reduced
                 revenues, estimated at $115,000 annually. The board
                 discussed the recommendation to the Muskegon City
                 Commission in light of COVID-19. Bob Tarrant said the
                 downtown needs the BID now more than ever. The reduced
                 district focused benefits where they are most felt. He wants to
                 move forward with the plan. John Riegler said his mind has not
                 changed, begrudging support. Kathy Denison said downtown
                 cannot afford not to move forward. A consensus formed that
                 this might be the last BID assessment suggested by the board
                 and it three years downtown services need to be moved to the
                 Downtown Development Authority. An initial plan for three
                 years, with and smaller district and work plan was suggested.
                 BID-City DPW 2020 landscaping agreement. Dave Alexander
                 was directed to put together the documentation for the plan’s
                 formal recommendation to the city commission at the next

Motion to support a three-year BID renewal: Kathy Denison
Support Mike Hennessy
Vote: All voted in favor

              e) The BID board did not think a meeting of property owners in the
                 newly proposed BID was needed beyond the two public
                 hearings that will be needed before the Muskegon City
                 Commission. No vote was taken.
              f) Dave Alexander updated the board on the summer work plan.
                 Flowers by Barry’s were put into 72 planters and are being
                 maintained. The city struggled with downtown landscaping work
                 due to COVID-19 because of staff furlough’s and elimination of
                 summer seasonal workers. The city has hired two season
                 workers to complete the downtown landscaping work.
              g) Dave Alexander gave an update on downtown projects, which
                 continue despite COVID-19.
5) Other Business

     a) Next meeting is a special meeting Monday July 27, 8 a.m. at Muskegon City Hall and
        virtual on the city of Muskegon’s Facebook Live page.

6) Adjournment
   9:08 AM
   No Objection
Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, city of Muskegon business development


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