Downtown Business Improvement District Minutes 06-28-2021

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      Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
                                        June 28, 2021
                                  Regular meeting minutes
                                     Muskegon City Hall
                                    933 Terrace Muskegon, MI 49440

1) Call to Order: 8:04 AM

   Attendance: Bob Tarrant, Kathy Denison, Andy Maciejewski, Dan Castle, Jaime Charron
   and Frank Peterson.
    Excused Absent(s): Bruce Lindstrom, John Riegler, and Phyllis Watson-Laudermill
    Guests: Dave Alexander, city Business Development Manager.

2) Public comment on agenda items: None

3) Consent agenda

       a) Approval of the agenda
       b) Approval of the Minutes of Feb. 22, 2020 meeting
       c) Acceptance of the financial statements as of May 31, 2021: The BID had $156,037 of
          cash on hand, had received $99,101 in revenues and spent $119,877 to date.

   Motion to approve the consent agenda: Andy M
   Support: Frank P
   All voted in favor

4) New Business

                            a) The BID board was asked to support the purchase of materials
                               for a social district common area at Second and Western in
                               downtown Muskegon. Come to be known as the Social
                               Sandbox, the property is offered for public use by the owners
                               Downtown Muskegon Development Corp. The Downtown
                               Development Authority and BID were asked to split the $8,000
                               cost of materials to for a temporary build out of the vacant lot.
                               The materials include electrical service, lights, fabric for
                               shading and poles to support the lights and shading. The
                               concept and the volunteer construction of the temporary site is
                               provided by Burl & Sprig. The city DPW will provide grading,

                            sand and picnic tables. The DDA has approved $4,000. The
                            BID is asked to authorize Dave Alexander to spend $4,000 for
                            materials that will be owned by the city.
    Motion to approve: Kathy D
   Support: Frank P
   All voted in favor.
                         b) The BID has been asked to support a downtown to the beach
                            shuttle service for the summer that is being spearheaded by the
                            Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce. The service will
                            be provided by Ramos and Sons Auto Body. The BID was
                            willing to support the $12,850 cost of the weekend service noon
                            to 5 in late July through last August. The BID would contribute
                            $2,000 for one year only to get the service started and see
                            what the public response will be.
    Motion to approve: Dan C
   Support: Andy M
   All voted in favor.

                           c) Dave Alexander gave the BID board updates on downtown
                              events for the summer, full 12-block social district operations
                              and ongoing-future downtown developments.
5) Other Business

     a) The BID board decided to meet next on Oct. 25 at 8 a.m.

6) Adjournment
   8:47 AM
   No Objection
Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, city of Muskegon business development


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