City Ordinance Code Comparative Table

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                      CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE

                                 1975 CODE

   This table gives the location within this Code of those sections of the 1975
Code, as supplemented, which are included herein. Sections of the 1975 Code,
as supplemented not listed herein have been omitted as repealed, superseded,
obsolete or not of a general and permanent nature.

1975 Code                    Section      1975 Code                     Section
Section                    this Code      Section                     this Code
1-1                              1-1      2-108                           2-148
1-2                              1-3      2-109                           2-149
1-3                              1-2      2-122                           18-31
1-4                             1-11      2-123                           18-33
1-5                             1-10      2-124                           18-32
1-6                              1-7      2-125                           18-34
1-7                              1-5      2-126                           18-35
1-8                              1-6      2-127                           18-36
1-9                              1-8      2-128                           18-37
1-10                           2-232      2-135                           66-34
2-2                            2-231      2-136                           66-35
2-6(a)                         82-47      2-139                           66-36
2-6(b)                         82-48      2-141                           66-37
2-6(d)                         82-49      2-142                           66-38
2-6(e)                         82-50      2-143                           66-39
2-6(1)                         82-51      2-144                           66-40
2-6(g)                         82-52      2-145                           66-41
2-6(h)                         82-53      2-158                           18-80
2-6(i)                         82-54      2-171                           2-297
2-6()                          82-55      2-172                           2-298
2-6(k)                         82-56      2-173                           2-299
2-6(1)                         82-57      2-174                           2-300
2-6(m)                         82-58      2-175                           2-301
2-6(n)                         82-59      2-176                           2-302
2-6.1                           82-1      2-177                           2-303
2-6.2(b)                       82-82      2-191                           2-166
2-17                           2-251      2-192                           2-167
2-18                           2-252      2-241                           18-62
2-19                           2-253      2-242(a)                        18-63
2-20                           2-254      2-243                           18-63
2-21                           2-255      4-1                              10-2
2-22                           2-256      4-4                            10-222
2-37                           2-106      4-5                            10-223
2-38                           2-107      4-7                            10-224
2-40                           2-108      4-8                              10-1
2-71                           2-126      4-16                            10-62
2-72                           2-127      4-18                            10-81
2-73                           2-128      4-19                           10-101
2-75                           2-129      4-20                           10-102
2-76                           2-130      4-21                            10-83
2-77                           2-131      4-22                            10-84
2-106                          2-146      4-23                            10-61
2-107                          2-147      4-23(a)(19)                     10-82

              MUSKEGON CITY CODE

1975 Code       Section   1975 Code     Section
Section       this Code   Section     this Code
4-24            10-103    4-84(k)       10-380
4-25            10-104    4-84(1)       10-371
4-26            10-105    4-84(m)       10-371
4-27             10-63    4-84(n)       10-371
4-28            10-106    4-84(0)       10-371
4-61(b)         10-285    4-84(p)       10-371
4-62            10-281    4-84(q)       10-381
4-63            10-401    4-84(r)       10-382
4-64            10-402    4-85          10-301
4-65            10-403    4-114(1)      10-133
4-66            10-404    4-114(2)      10-134
4-67            10-405    4-114(3)      10-135
4-68            10-406    4-114(4)      10-136
4-69            10-407    4-114(5)      10-137
4-70            10-408    4-114(6)      10-138
4-71            10-409    4-114(7)      10-139
4-72            10-410    4-114(8)      10-140
4-73            10-411    4-114(9)      10-141
4-74            10-412    4-114(10)     10-142
4-75            10-413    4-114(11)     10-143
4-76            10-414    4-114(12)     10-144
4-77            10-415    4-114         10-132
4-78(1)         10-302    4-115         10-131
4-78(2)         10-326    5-134          50-71
4-78(3)         10-327    5-135          50-73
4-78(4)         10-328    5-136          50-74
4-78(5)         10-329    5-137          50-75
4-78(6)         10-330    5-138          50-76
4-78(8)         10-331    5-139          50-77
4-78(9)         10-332    5-140          50-78
4-78(10)        10-333    5-141          50-72
4-78(11)        10-302    5-271         50-147
4-78(12)        10-334    5-272         50-148
4-78(13)        10-335    7-1            14-31
4-78(14)        10-304    7-2            14-61
4-78(14)(a)     10-305    7-3            14-62
4-78(15)        10-306    7-4            14-63
4-78(16)        10-283    7-5            14-64
4-78(17)        10-284    7-9            14-33
4-79            10-282    7-10           14-34
4-80            10-303    7-11           14-35
4-82            10-351    7-12           14-36
4-83            10-352    7-13           14-37
4-84(a)         10-371    7-14           14-38
4-84(b)         10-372    7-15           14-39
4-84(c)         10-373    7-16           14-40
4-84(d)         10-374    7-17           14-41
4-84(e)         10-375    7-18           14-42
4-84(f)         10-376    7-19           14-32
4-84(g)         10-371    872-17         42-32
4-84(h)         10-377    10-1            70-1
4-84(i)         10-378    10-2            70-2
4-84(j)         10-379    10-3            70-4

                  CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE

1975 Code            Section     1975 Code          Section
Section            this Code     Section          this Code
10-4                     70-5    12-12(e)              54-99
10-5                    70-31                         54-144
10-6                    70-32    12-13                54-142
10-7                    70-33    12-15                 54-34
10-8                    70-34    12-19                54-162
10-9                    70-35    12-20                54-121
10-10                   70-36    12-22                 54-92
10-14                    70-6    12-24                54-122
10-15                    70-3    12-26                 54-34
10-16(a)                70-56                          54-92
10-16(b)                70-57                54-121, 54-122
10-16(c)                70-58    12-27                 54-31
10-16(d)                70-59    12-28                 54-5
10-16(e)                70-60    12-38                 54-32
10-16(f)                70-61    12-39                 54-33
10-16(g)                70-62    12-40                 54-35
10-16(h)                70-63    12-70                54-183
10-16(i)                70-64    12-71                54-184
12-1(a)                54-213    12-72                54-185
12-1(b)                54-212    12-73                54-186
12-1(c)                54-211    12-74                54-182
12-1(d)                  58-2    12-86                54-241
12-1(e)        54-111—54-213     12-93                54-261
12-l(f)                  58-2    12-94                54-262
12-2                    54-62    12-96                54-263
12-3                   54-214    12-97                54-264
12-4                     54-4    12-103               54-282
12-5                    54-61    12-104               54-281
12-6                    54-63    12-105               54-284
12-10(a)(1)            54-142    12-106               54-285
12-10(a)(2)             54-93    12-107               54-286
12-10(a)(3)              54-1    12-108               54-283
12-10(a)(4)             54-91    12-121                22-32
12-10(a)(5)            54-100    12-123                22-33
12-10(a)(7)            54-143    12-124                22-34
12-10(a)(8)              54-2    12-125                22-35
12-10(a)(10)            54-94    12-142               54-149
12-10(a)(ll)            54-95    12-143               54-150
12-10(a)(12)            54-64    12-144               54-151
12-10(a)(13)            54-96    12-145               54-152
12-10(a)(14)            54-97    12-146               54-153
12-10(b)            54-1, 54-2   12-147               54-154
                        54-64    12-148               54-155
                        54-91    12-149               54-156
                 54-93—54-97     12-150               54-148
                       54-100    12-161                34-32
                       54-143    12-163                34-33
12-10(f)               54-143    12-164                34-34
12-11                   54-98    12-166                34-35
12-12                  54-143    12-167                34-36
12-12(a)               54-144    13-1                 106-31
12-12(c)               54-144    14-1                  26-31
12-12(d)                54-99    14-2                  26-33


1975 Code     Section   1975 Code     Section
Section     this Code   Section     this Code
14-3           26-34    16-3           58-33
14-4           26-35    16-4           58-34
14-5           26-36    16-5           58-35
14-6           26-37    16-6            58-1
14-7           26-38    17-1          26-157
14-9(b)        26-39    17-2          26-156
14-10          26-40    17-3          26-159
14-11          26-41    17-4          26-160
14-12          26-42    17-5          26-161
14-13          26-43    17-6          26-158
14-14          26-44    17-18         26-181
14-15          26-45    17-19         26-182
14-16          26-46    17-20         26-183
14-17          26-47    17-21         26-184
14-18          26-48    17-22         26-185
14-19          26-49    17-23         26-186
14-20          26-32    17-24         26-187
14-32          26-66    17-25         26-188
14-34          26-67    17-26         26-189
14-42          26-68    17-27         26-190
14-43          26-69    17-28         26-191
14-44          26-70    17-40         26-196
14-45          26-71    17-41         26-197
14-46          26-72    17-42         26-198
14-47          26-73    17-42         26-198
14-48          26-74    17-43         26-198
15-1           46-31    17-44         26-198
15-2           46-32    17-45         26-198
15-3           46-33    17-46         26-198
15-5           46-34    17-47         26-198
15-6          46-151    17-48         26-198
15-7          46-152    17-49         26-198
15-8          46-153    17-50         26-198
15-9          46-154    17-51         26-198
15-15          46-51    17-52         26-198
15-16          46-52    18-1            74-2
15-17          46-53    18-2            74-3
15-24          46-71    18-3            74-4
15-25          46-72    18-4            74-5
15-26          46-73    18-5            74-6
15-27          46-74    18-7            54-3
15-28          46-75    18-8(a)         74-7
15-29          46-76    18-9            74-8
15-30          46-77    18-10           74-9
15-31          46-78    18-11          74-10
15-32          46-79    18-12          74-11
15-33          46-80    18-13          74-12
15-34          46-81    18-14          74-13
15-96         46-101    18-16          74-14
15-97         46-121    18-19(1)       74-51
15-98         46-122    18-19(2)       74-51
15-99         46-123    18-19(3)       74-51
16-2           58-32    18-19(4)       74-51


1975 Code      Section   1975 Code     Section
Section      this Code   Section     this Code
18-19(5)        74-31    19-71         78-144
18-20           74-52    19-72         78-145
18-21           74-53    19-73         78-146
18-22           74-32    19-74         78-147
18-23           74-33    19-75         78-148
18-24           74-34    19-76         78-149
18-26            98-4    19-89         78-167
18-27            98-5    19-90         78-168
18-28            98-1    19-91         78-169
18-29            74-1    19-92         78-170
18-31           74-81    19-93         78-171
18-32           74-82    19-94         78-172
18-33           74-83    19-95         78-173
18-35           74-84    19-106        78-191
18-36           74-85    19-107        78-192
18-37           74-86    19-108        78-193
18-50          74-111    19-109        78-194
18-51          74-112    19-110        78-195
18-52          74-113    19-111        78-196
18-53          74-114    19-112        78-197
18-54          74-115    20-2           92-32
18-55          74-116    20-3           92-33
19-2            78-32    22-1            98-2
19-3            78-31    22-2            98-3
19-4            78-33    22-3            98-1
19-5            78-34    22-15          98-32
19-17           78-51    22-16          98-33
19-18           78-52    22-17          98-34
19-26           78-72    22-18.1        98-35
19-27           78-73    22-19          98-36
19-28           78-74    22-20          98-38
19-29           78-75    22-21          98-37
19-30           78-76    24-l(b)       94-131
19-31           78-77    24-2            94-2
19-32           78-78    24-3            94-1
19-40           78-97    24-14          94-31
19-41           78-98    24-15          94-32
19-42           78-99    24-16          94-33
19-43          78-100    24-17          94-34
19-50          74-271    24-18          94-35
19-51          74-272    24-19          94-36
19-52          74-273    24-20          94-37
19-53          74-274    24-21          94-38
19-54          74-275    24-22          94-39
19-55          78-116    24-23          94-40
19-56          78-117    24-35          94-61
19-57          78-118    24-36          94-62
19-58          78-119    24-37          94-63
19-59          78-120    24-38          94-64
19-60          78-121    24-41          94-87
19-61          78-122    24-42          94-88
19-69          78-142    24-43          94-65
19-70          78-143    24-44          94-66


1975 Code     Section   1975 Code     Section
Section     this Code   Section     this Code
24-45          94-67    24-121.3      94-346
24-53          94-89    24-121.4      94-347
24-54          94-90    24-121.5      94-348
24-55          94-91    24-121.6      94-349
24-56          94-92    24-121.7      94-366
24-57          94-93    24-121.8      94-367
24-58          94-94    24-121.9      94-368
24-59          94-95    24-121.10     94-369
24-60          94-96    24-121.11     94-370
24-61          94-97    24-121.12     94-371
24-62          94-98    24-121.13     94-391
24-63          94-99    24-121.14     94-392
24-64         94-100    24-121.15     94-393
24-66         94-101    24-121.16     94-394
24-74         94-151    24-121.17     94-411
24-75         94-152    24-121.19     94-412
24-76         94-153    24-121.20     94-413
24-77         94-154    24-121.21     94-431
24-78         94-155    24-121.22     94-432
24-79         94-156    24-121.23     94-433
24-80         94-157    24-121.24     94-452
24-81         94-158    24-121.25     94-453
24-93         94-202    24-121.26     94-454
24-94         94-203    24-121.27     94-472
24-95         94-204    24-121.28     94-473
24-96         94-205    24-121.29     94-474
24-97         94-201    24-121.30     94-475
24-98         94-221    24-121.31     94-476
24-99         94-222    24-121.32     94-477
24-100        94-223    24-121.33     94-496
24-101        94-224    24-121.34     94-497
24-102        94-225    24-121.35     94-498
24-103        94-241    24-121.36     94-499
24-104        94-242    24-121.37     94-500
24-105        94-243    24-121.38     94-501
24-106        94-261    24-121.39     94-502
24-107        94-262    24-121.40     94-521
24-108        94-263    24-121.41     94-522
24-109        94-264    24-121.42     94-523
24-110        94-265    24-121.43     94-541
24-111        94-281    24-121.44     94-542
24-112        94-282    24-121.45     94-543
24-113        94-283    24-122        94-561
24-114        94-284    24-123        94-563
24-115        94-285    24-123.1      94-564
24-116        94-286    24-123.2      94-565
24-117        94-287    24-124        94-566
24-118        94-306    24-124.1      94-567
24-119        94-307    24-124.2      94-568
24-120        94-326    24-124.3      94-569
24-121        94-327    24-124.4      94-570
24-121.1      94-328    24-125        94-562
24-121.2      94-329    24-126        94-572


1975 Code     Section
Section     this Code
24-127         94-573
24-128         94-574
24-129         94-575
24-130         94-576
24-131         94-577
24-141         94-601
24-142         94-602
24-143         94-603
24-144         94-604
24-145         94-605
24-146         94-606
24-147         94-607
24-148         94-608
24-149         94-609
24-150         94-610
24-160         94-176
24-161         94-177
24-162         94-178
24-163         94-179
24-164         94-180
24-165         94-181
24-166         94-182
24-201         26-212
24-202         26-211
24-203         26-231
24-204         26-232
24-205         26-233
24-206         26-234
24-207         26-235
24-208         26-236
24-209         26-237
24-210         26-238
24-211         26-213
25-2           46-202
25-3           46-202
25-5           46-203

                      CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE

                                 2005 CODE

   This table gives the location within this Code of those sections of the 2002
Code, as supplemented, which are included herein. Sections of the 2002 Code,
as supplemented not listed herein have been omitted as repealed, superseded,
obsolete or not of a general and permanent nature. For the location of
ordinances, see the table immediately following this table.

2002 Code                    Section      2002 Code                    Section
Section                    this Code      Section                    this Code
1-1                              1-1      2-302                          2-302
1-2                              1-2      2-303                          2-303
1-3                              1-3      2-304                          2-304
1-4                              1-4      2-305                          2-305
1-5                              1-5      2-322                          18-80
1-6                              1-6      2-323                          18-81
1-7                              1-7      2-324                          18-82
1-8                              1-8      2-325                          18-83
1-9                              1-9      6-1                              6-1
1-10                            1-10      6-2                              6-2
1-11                            1-11      6-4                              6-4
2-61                            46-1      6-5                              6-5
2-106                          2-106      6-6                              6-6
2-107                          2-107      6-7                              6-7
2-108                          2-108      6-8                              6-8
2-126                          2-126      6-9                              6-9
2-127                          2-127      6-11                            6-11
2-128                          2-128      6-12                            6-12
2-129                          2-129      6-13                            6-13
2-130                          2-130      6-14                            6-14
2-131                          2-131      6-15                            6-15
2-146                          2-146      6-16                            6-16
2-147                          2-147      6-17                            6-17
2-148                          2-148      10-1                            10-1
2-149                          2-149      10-2                            10-2
2-166                          2-166      10-32                          10-32
2-167                          2-167      10-61                          10-61
2-202                         46-202      10-62                          10-62
2-203                         46-203      10-63                          10-63
2-231                          2-231      10-81                          10-81
2-232                          2-232      10-82                          10-82
2-251                          2-251      10-83                          10-83
2-252                          2-252      10-84                          10-84
2-253                          2-253      10-101                        10-101
2-254                          2-254      10-102                        10-102
2-255                          2-255      10-103                        10-103
2-256                          2-256      10-104                        10-104
2-297                          2-297      10-105                        10-105
2-298                          2-298      10-106                        10-106
2-299                          2-299      10-131                        10-131
2-300                          2-300      10-132                        10-132
2-301                          2-301      10-133                        10-133


2002 Code     Section   2002 Code     Section
Section     this Code   Section     this Code
10-134        10-134    10-405        10-405
10-135        10-135    10-406        10-406
10-136        10-136    10-407        10-407
10-137        10-137    10-408        10-408
10-138        10-138    10-409        10-409
10-139        10-139    10-410        10-410
10-140        10-140    10-411        10-411
10-141        10-141    10-412        10-412
10-142        10-142    10-413        10-413
10-143        10-143    10-414        10-414
10-144        10-144    10-415        10-415
10-222        10-222    14-31          14-31
10-223        10-223    14-32          14-32
10-225        10-224    14-33          14-33
10-281        10-281    14-34          14-34
10-282        10-282    14-35          14-35
10-283        10-283    14-36          14-36
10-284        10-284    14-37          14-37
10-285        10-285    14-38          14-38
10-301        10-301    14-39          14-39
10-302        10-302    14-40          14-40
10-303        10-303    14-41          14-41
10-304        10-304    14-42          14-42
10-305        10-305    14-61          14-61
10-306        10-306    14-62          14-62
10-326        10-326    14-63          14-63
10-327        10-327    14-64          14-64
10-328        10-328    18-31          18-31
10-329        10-329    18-32          18-32
10-330        10-330    18-33          18-33
10-331        10-331    18-34          18-34
10-332        10-332    18-35          18-35
10-333        10-333    18-36          18-36
10-334        10-334    18-37          18-37
10-335        10-335    18-62          18-62
10-351        10-351    18-63          18-63
10-352        10-352    22-32          22-32
10-371        10-371    22-33          22-33
10-372        10-372    22-34          22-34
10-373        10-373    22-35          22-35
10-374        10-374    26-31          26-31
10-375        10-375    26-32          26-32
10-376        10-376    26-33          26-33
10-377        10-377    26-34          26-34
10-378        10-378    26-35          26-35
10-379        10-379    26-36          26-36
10-380        10-380    26-37          26-37
10-381        10-381    26-38          26-38
10-382        10-382    26-39          26-39
10-401        10-401    26-40          26-40
10-402        10-402    26-41          26-41
10-403        10-403    26-42          26-42
10-404        10-404    26-43          26-43


2002 Code      Section   2002 Code     Section
Section      this Code   Section     this Code
26-44           26-44    26-269        54-155
26-45           26-45    26-270        54-156
26-46           26-46    34-32          34-32
26-47           26-47    34-33          34-33
26-48           26-48    34-34          34-34
26-49           26-49    34-35          34-35
26-66           26-66    34-36          34-36
26-67           26-67    42-32          42-32
26-68           26-68    46-31          46-31
26-69           26-69    46-32          46-32
26-70           26-70    46-33          46-33
26-71           26-71    46-34          46-34
26-72           26-72    46-51          46-51
26-73           26-73    46-52          46-52
26-74           26-74    46-53          46-53
26-156         26-156    46-71          46-71
26-157         26-157    46-72          46-72
26-158         26-158    46-73          46-73
26-159         26-159    46-74          46-74
26-160         26-160    46-75          46-75
26-161         26-161    46-76          46-76
26-181         26-181    46-77          46-77
26-182         26-182    46-78          46-78
26-183         26-183    46-79          46-79
26-184         26-184    46-80          46-80
26-185         26-185    46-81          46-81
26-186         26-186    46-101        46-101
26-187         26-187    46-121        46-121
26-188         26-188    46-122        46-122
26-189         26-189    46-123        46-123
26-190         26-190    46-151        46-151
26-191         26-191    46-152        46-152
26-196         26-196    46-153        46-153
26-197         26-197    46-154        46-154
26-198         26-198    50-1            50-1
26-211         26-211    50-2            50-2
26-212         26-212    50-3            50-3
26-213         26-213    50-4            50-4
26-231         26-231    50-31          50-31
26-232         26-232    50-32          50-32
26-233         26-233    50-33          50-33
26-234         26-234    50-34          50-34
26-235         26-235    50-35          50-35
26-236         26-236    50-36          50-36
26-237         26-237    50-37          50-37
26-238         26-238    50-38          50-38
26-262         54-148    50-39          50-39
26-263         54-149    50-40          50-40
26-264         54-150    50-41          50-41
26-265         54-151    50-42          50-42
26-266         54-152    50-43          50-43
26-267         54-153    50-44          50-44
26-268         54-154    50-71          50-71


2002 Code     Section   2002 Code     Section
Section     this Code   Section     this Code
50-72          50-72    54-213        54-213
50-73          50-73    54-214        54-214
50-74          50-74    54-241        54-241
50-75          50-75    54-242        54-242
50-76          50-76    54-261        54-261
50-77          50-77    54-262        54-262
50-78          50-78    54-264        54-263
50-102        50-102    54-265        54-264
50-103        50-103    54-281        54-281
50-104        50-104    54-282        54-282
50-105        50-105    54-283        54-283
50-106        50-106    54-284        54-284
50-107        50-107    54-285        54-285
50-108        50-108    54-286        54-286
50-147        50-147    58-1            58-1
50-148        50-148    58-2            58-2
54-1            54-1    58-32          58-32
54-2            54-2    58-33          58-33
54-3            54-3    58-34          58-34
54-4            54-4    58-35          58-35
54-6            54-5    66-31          66-34
54-31          54-31    66-32          66-35
54-32          54-32    66-35          66-36
54-33          54-33    66-37          66-37
54-34          54-34    66-38          66-38
54-35          54-35    66-39          66-39
54-61          54-61    66-40          66-40
54-62          54-62    66-41          66-41
54-63          54-63    66-71         74-271
54-64          54-64    66-72         74-272
54-91          54-91    66-73         74-273
54-92          54-92    66-74         74-274
54-93          54-93    66-75         74-275
54-94          54-94    70-1            70-1
54-95          54-95    70-2            70-2
54-96          54-96    70-3            70-3
54-97          54-97    70-4            70-4
54-98          54-98    70-5            70-5
54-99          54-99    70-6            70-6
54-100        54-100    70-31          70-31
54-121        54-121    70-32          70-32
54-122        54-122    70-33          70-33
54-142        54-142    70-34          70-34
54-143        54-143    70-35          70-35
54-144        54-144    70-36          70-36
54-162        54-162    70-56          70-56
54-182        54-182    70-57          70-57
54-183        54-183    70-58          70-58
54-184        54-184    70-59          70-59
54-185        54-185    70-60          70-60
54-186        54-186    70-61          70-61
54-211        54-211    70-62          70-62
54-212        54-212    70-63          70-63


2002 Code      Section   2002 Code     Section
Section      this Code   Section     this Code
70-64           70-64    78-99          78-99
74-1             74-1    78-100        78-100
74-2             74-2    78-116        78-116
74-3             74-3    78-117        78-117
74-4             74-4    78-118        78-118
74-5             74-5    78-119        78-119
74-6             74-6    78-120        78-120
74-7             74-7    78-121        78-121
74-8             74-8    78-122        78-122
74-9             74-9    78-142        78-142
74-10           74-10    78-143        78-143
74-11           74-11    78-144        78-144
74-12           74-12    78-145        78-145
74-13           74-13    78-146        78-146
74-14           74-14    78-147        78-147
74-31           74-31    78-149        78-149
74-32           74-32    78-167        78-167
74-33           74-33    78-168        78-168
74-34           74-34    78-169        78-169
74-51           74-51    78-170        78-170
74-52           74-52    78-171        78-171
74-53           74-53    78-172        78-172
74-81           74-81    78-173        78-173
74-82           74-82    78-191        78-191
74-83           74-83    78-192        78-192
74-84           74-84    78-193        78-193
74-85           74-85    78-194        78-194
74-86           74-86    78-195        78-195
74-111         74-111    78-196        78-196
74-112         74-112    78-197        78-197
74-113         74-113    82-1            82-1
74-114         74-114    82-47          82-47
74-115         74-115    82-48          82-48
74-116         74-116    82-49          82-49
74-141         74-141    82-50          82-50
74-142         74-142    82-51          82-51
74-143         74-143    82-52          82-52
74-144         74-144    82-53          82-53
78-31           78-31    82-54          82-54
78-32           78-32    82-55          82-55
78-33           78-33    82-56          82-56
78-34           78-34    82-57          82-57
78-51           78-51    82-58          82-58
78-52           78-52    82-59          82-59
78-72           78-72    82-82          82-82
78-73           78-73    92-32          92-32
78-74           78-74    92-33          92-33
78-75           78-75    94-1            94-1
78-76           78-76    94-2            94-2
78-77           78-77    94-31          94-31
78-78           78-78    94-32          94-32
78-97           78-97    94-33          94-33
78-98           78-98    94-34          94-34


2002 Code     Section   2002 Code     Section
Section     this Code   Section     this Code
94-35          94-35    94-225        94-225
94-36          94-36    94-241        94-241
94-37          94-37    94-242        94-242
94-38          94-38    94-243        94-243
94-39          94-39    94-261        94-261
94-40          94-40    94-262        94-262
94-61          94-61    94-263        94-263
94-62          94-62    94-264        94-264
94-63          94-63    94-265        94-265
94-64          94-64    94-281        94-281
94-65          94-65    94-282        94-282
94-66          94-66    94-283        94-283
94-67          94-67    94-284        94-284
94-87          94-87    94-285        94-285
94-88          94-88    94-286        94-286
94-89          94-89    94-287        94-287
94-90          94-90    94-306        94-306
94-91          94-91    94-307        94-307
94-92          94-92    94-326        94-326
94-93          94-93    94-327        94-327
94-94          94-94    94-328        94-328
94-95          94-95    94-329        94-329
94-96          94-96    94-346        94-346
94-97          94-97    94-347        94-347
94-98          94-98    94-348        94-348
94-99          94-99    94-349        94-349
94-100        94-100    94-366        94-366
94-101        94-101    94-367        94-367
94-131        94-131    94-368        94-368
94-151        94-151    94-369        94-369
94-152        94-152    94-370        94-370
94-153        94-153    94-371        94-371
94-154        94-154    94-391        94-391
94-155        94-155    94-392        94-392
94-156        94-156    94-393        94-393
94-157        94-157    94-394        94-394
94-158        94-158    94-411        94-411
94-176        94-176    94-412        94-412
94-177        94-177    94-413        94-413
94-178        94-178    94-431        94-431
94-179        94-179    94-432        94-432
94-180        94-180    94-433        94-433
94-181        94-181    94-451        94-451
94-182        94-182    94-452        94-452
94-201        94-201    94-453        94-453
94-202        94-202    94-454        94-454
94-203        94-203    94-471        94-471
94-204        94-204    94-472        94-472
94-205        94-205    94-473        94-473
94-221        94-221    94-474        94-474
94-222        94-222    94-475        94-475
94-223        94-223    94-476        94-476
94-224        94-224    94-477        94-477


2002 Code      Section
Section      this Code
94-496         94-496
94-497         94-497
94-498         94-498
94-499         94-499
94-500         94-500
94-501         94-501
94-502         94-502
94-521         94-521
94-522         94-522
94-523         94-523
94-541         94-541
94-542         94-542
94-543         94-543
94-561         94-561
94-562         94-562
94-563         94-563
94-564         94-564
94-565         94-565
94-566         94-566
94-567         94-567
94-568         94-568
94-569         94-569
94-570         94-570
94-572         94-572
94-573         94-573
94-574         94-574
94-575         94-575
94-576         94-576
94-577         94-577
94-601         94-601
94-602         94-602
94-603         94-603
94-604         94-604
94-605         94-605
94-606         94-606
94-607         94-607
94-608         94-608
94-609         94-609
94-610         94-610
98-1             98-1
98-2             98-2
98-3             98-3
98-4             98-4
98-5             98-5
98-32           98-32
98-33           98-33
98-34           98-34
98-35           98-35
98-36           98-36
98-37           98-37
98-38           98-38
106-31         106-31
106-32         106-32

                      CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE


   This table gives the location within this Code of those ordinances which are
included herein. Ordinances not listed herein have been omitted as repealed,
superseded or not of a general and permanent nature.

Ordinance                                                     Section
Number         Date                     Section               this Code
1158           4-14-1998                18-61                 74-142
                                        18-62                 74-143
                                        18-63                 74-144
1166           8-11-1998                hart. IV)             50-71—50-78
                                        1(5-1.1)              50-31
                                        1(5-1.2)              50-3
                                        1(5-2)                50-1
                                        1(5-3)                50-32
                                        1(5-4)                50-34
                                        1(5-5), (5-16)        50-35
                                        1(5-6)                50-36
                                        1(5-7)                50-37
                                        1(5-8)                50-38
                                        1(5-9)                50-39
                                        1(5-10)               50-42
                                        1(5-11)               50-43
                                        1(5-12)               50-44
                                        1(5-13)               50-40
                                        1(5-14)               50-41
                                        1(5-15)               50-33
                                        1(5-16)               50-35
                                        1(5-17), (5-18)       50-2
                                        1(5-143)              50-102
                                        1(5-144)              50-105
                                        1(5-145)              50-106
                                        1(5-146)              50-107
                                        1(5-147)              50-108
                                        1(5-148)              50-104
                                        1(5-149)              50-103
1177          10-27-1998                1                     46-1
1185           3- 9-1999                1                     82-1
1193           8-10-1999                                      82-1
1194           8-10-1999                                      54-242
1195           8-10-1999                                      106-32
2021           5- 9-2000                22-15                 98-32
                                        22-16                 98-33
                                        22-17                 98-34
                                        22-18                 98-35
                                        22-19                 98-36
                                        22-21                 98-37
2027           8- 1-2000                2-160                 18-82
                                        2-159                 18-81
2028           8- 1-2000                1-3                   18-83

                         MUSKEGON CITY CODE

Ordinance                                            Section
Number      Date                   Section           this Code
2032        9-12-2000              1, 2              10-103
                                   3                 10-104
                                   4                 10-63
                                   5                 10-106
2038        12-12-2000             10-2              70-2
                                   10-3(a)           70-4
                                   12-53             92-51
                                   12-54             92-52
                                   12-55             92-53
                                   12-56             92-54
                                   12-58             92-55
                                   12-59             92-56
2039        12-12-2000             1(24-46)          34-61—34-62
                                   1(24-47)          34-65
                                   1(24-48)          34-66
                                   1(24-49)          34-67
                                   1(24-50)          34-68
                                   1(24-51)          34-69
                                   1(24-52)          34-70
                                   1(24-52.1)        34-63
                                   1(24-52.2)—(24-   34-64
2046        5-22-2001                                54-212
2051        8-28-2001              1-5               10-32
2052        8-28-2001                                10-352
2054        9-11-2001              1                 34-61
2056         9-11-2001             1                 10-32
2064        12-11-2001             3.0, 3.1          6-4
                                   3.2               6-1
                                   3.3               6-4
                                   3.4               6-17
                                   3.5               6-8
                                   3.6               6-7
                                   3.7               6-6
                                   3.8.3             6-11
                                   3.9               6-5
                                   3.10              6-14
                                   3.11              6-15
                                   3.12              6-16
                                   3.13              6-12
                                   3.14              6-9
                                   3.15              6-13
                                   3.16              6-2
2070        4- 9-2002                                34-71
2071        4- 9-2002                                34-71
2080        6-25-2002              1                 92-14
                                   2                 92-15
                                   3                 92-16
                                   4                 92-17
2091        10-22-2002             90-1              90-11
                                   90-2              90-12
                                   90-3              90-13

                         CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE

Ordinance                                         Section
Number      Date                    Section       this Code
                                    90-4          90-14
                                    90-5          90-15
                                    90-6          90-16
                                    90-7          90-17
                                    90-8          90-18
                                    90-9          90-19
                                    90-10         90-20
                                    90-11         90-21
                                    90-12         90-22
                                    90-13         90-23
                                    90-14         90-24
                                    90-15         90-25
                                    90-16         90-26
                                    90-17         90-27
                                    90-18         90-28
                                    90-20         90-29
                                    90-21         90-30
2092        10-22-2002              82-52         82-52
2120         1-13-2004              58-3          58-3
2127         3-23-2004              1             46-31
2131         5-11-2004              1             10-336
2135         6- 8-2004              26-301        26-301
                                    26-302        26-302
                                    26-303        26-303
                                    26-304        26-304
                                    26-305        26-305
                                    26-306        26-306
                                    26-307        26-307
                                    26-308        26-308
                                    26-309        26-309
                                    26-310        26-310
                                    26-311        26-311
                                    26-312        26-312
                                    26-313        26-313
                                    26-314        26-314
                                    26-315        26-315
                                    26-316        26-316
                                    26-317        26-317
                                    26-318        26-318
                                    26-319        26-319
                                    26-320        26-320
                                    26-321        26-321
2139         9-28-2004                            34-71
2151         5-24-2005                            92-33
2158         8-23-2005                            46-33
2194         6-13-2006                            98-35
2213         1- 9-2007                            10-135
2222         5-22-2007                            6-1
2229         7-10-2007                            6-5
2231         7-10-2007                            34-34
2239        12-11-2007              34-61         34-61
                                    34-62         34-62
                                    34-63         34-63

                         MUSKEGON CITY CODE

Ordinance                                      Section
Number      Date                   Section     this Code
                                   34-64       34-64
                                   34-65       34-65
                                   34-66       34-66
                                   34-67       34-67
                                   34-68       34-68
                                   34-69       34-69
                                   34-70       34-70
                                   34-80       34-71
                                   34-81       34-72
2240         1- 8-2008             10.107      10-107
2245         7-22-2008             50-171      50-171
                                   50-172      50-172
                                   50-173      50-173
                                   50-174      50-174
                                   50-175      50-175
2255        12- 9-2008             30-101      30-101
                                   30-102      30-102
                                   30-131      30-131
                                   30-135      30-132
                                   30-156      30-156
                                   30-157      30-157
                                   30-160      30-158
                                   30-191      30-191
                                   30-192      30-192
                                   30-193      30-193
                                   30-194      30-194
                                   30-198      30-195
                                   30-220      30-220
                                   30-221      30-221
                                   30-222      30-222
2256        12- 9-2008             10.107      10-107
2268        12- 8-2009                         6-1
2260        12- 9-2009             10.107      10-107
2272         4-27-2010             54-100      54-100
                                   54-101      54-101
                                   54-94       54-94
                                   54-95       54-95
2276         4-27-2010             10.107      10-107
2277         5-25-2010             1(2-260)    2-260
                                   1(2-261)    2-261
                                   1(2-262)    2-262
                                   1(2-263)    2-263
2284        10-12-2010             1(74-84)    74-84
                                   1(74-85)    74-85
                                   1(74-86)    74-86
2288         1-25-2011                         54-263
2290         3- 8-2011             1(38.102)   38-102
                                   1(38.103)   38-103

                           CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE

Ordinance                                           Section
Number        Date                     Section      this Code
                                       1(38.104)    38-104
                                       1(38.105)    38-105
                                       1(38.106)    38-106
                                       1(38.107)    38-107
                                       1(38.108)    38-108
                                       1(38.109)    38-109
                                       1(38.110)    38-110
                                       1(38.111)    38-111
                                       1(38.112)    38-112
                                       1(38.113)    38-113
                                       1(38.114)    38-114
                                       1(38.115)    38-115
                                       1(38.116)    38-116
                                       1(38.117)    38-117
                                       1(38.118)    38-118
                                       1(38.119)    38-119
                                       1(38.120)    38-120
                                       1(38.121)    38-121
                                       1(38.122)    38-122
                                       1(38.123)    38-123
2293           3-22-2011               1            30-191
2295           3-22-2011               1(34-102)    34-102
                                       1(34-103)    34-103
                                       1(34-104)    34-104
                                       1(34-105)    34-105
                                       1(34-106)    34-106
                                       1(34-107)    34-107
                                       1(34-108)    34-108
                                       1(34-109)    34-109
                                       1(34-110)    34-110
                                       1(34-111)    34-111
                                       1(34-112)    34-112
                                       1(34-113)    34-113
                                       1(34-114)    34-114
2298           8- 9-2011               1(74-200)    74-200
                                       1(74-201)    74-201
                                       1(74-202)    74-202
                                       1(74-203)    74-203
                                       1(74-204)    74-204
                                       1(74-205)    74-205
                                       1(74-206)    74-206
                                       1(74-207)    74-207
                                       1(74-208)    74-208
                                       1(74-209)    74-209
                                       1(74-210)    74-210
                                       1(74-211)    74-211
                                       1(74-212)    74-212
                                       1(74-213)    74-213
                                       1(74-214)    74-214
2300          11- 7-2011               10.107       10-107
2303           2-14-2012               1(82-50)     82-50
                                       1(82-51)     82-51
                                       1(82-52)     82-52

Supp. No. 3                        CCT:21
                           MUSKEGON CITY CODE

Ordinance                                                     Section
Number        Date                   Section                  this Code
2304           2-28-2012                                      10-351
2311           5-14-2013             50-201                   50-201
                                     50-202                   50-202
                                     50-203                   50-203
2314           8-13-2013             54-301                   30-301
                                     54-302                   30-302
                                     54-303                   30-303
                                     54-304                   30-304
                                     54-305                   30-305
                                     54-306                   30-306
2315          12-10-2013                                      34-71
2317           3-11-2014             1(82-52)                 82-52
2318           3-11-2014             74-7                     74-7
2320           4-22-2014             30-220                   30-220
                                     30-221                   30-221
                                     30-222, 30-223           30-222
2321          4-22-2014              50-301                   50-301
                                     50-302                   50-302
                                     50-303                   50-303
                                     50-304                   50-304
2322          4-22-2014              50-102                   50-102
                                     50-103                   50-103
                                     50-104                   50-104
                                     50-105                   50-105
                                     50-106                   50-106
                                     50-107                   50-107
                                     50-108                   50-108
                                     50-109                   50-109
                                     50-110                   50-110
                                     50-111                   50-111
2323           6-10-2014                                      30-301—30-308
2327           8-26-2014                                      6-17
2328          10-14-2014                               Rpld   30-191
                                                      Added   30-191
2329          10-14-2014                                      34-101—34-116
2331          12- 9-2014                              Added   92-71—92-73
2333           1-13-2015                                      10-351
2335           3-10-2015                                      10-351
2336           3-24-2015                                      50-302
2337           3-24-2015                                      50-111
2338           3-24-2015                                      50-2
2343           6- 9-2015             401—405          Added   26-401—26-405
2344           8-25-2015                                      10-351
2345           9-22-2015                                      10-107
2346           9-22-2015                                      10-352
2350           3-22-2016                                      92-71, 92-73
2351           3-22-2016                               Rpld   58-3
                                                      Added   58-3
2352           3-22-2016                               Rpld   46-204
                                                      Added   46-204
2353           3-22-2016                               Rpld   92-33
                                                      Added   92-33

Supp. No. 3                      CCT:22
                            CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE

Ordinance                                                    Section
Number         Date                    Section               this Code
2354            3-22-2016              1              Rpld   54-242
                                                     Added   54-242
2357            3-14-2017              1                     82-51
2364            5- 9-2017                            Added   6-18
2365            5-23-2017                             Rpld   30-191
                                                     Added   30-191
2376            9-26-2017                                    92-71
2377            9-26-2017                                    92-73
2378            1- 9-2018              1             Added   92-33, Rule 598
2383            5- 8-2018              1             Added   34-201—34-207
2388            6-26-2018              1                     54-263
2390            8-28-2018              1                     58-3
2392            9-11-2018              1                     10-329
                                       2                     10-351(d), (e), (h)
                                       3                     10-352(b), (d), (f)
2394           12-11-2018              1, 2                  92-71
2395           12-18-2018              1                     82-51
2396           12-18-2018              1                     92-71
2397           12-18-2018              1                     92-71
2401            3-12-2019              1             Added   10-353
2407            5-14-2019              1                     30-303
2408            5-14-2019              1             Added   58-4
2410            5-28-2019                                    54-35
2411            5-28-2019              1                     54-101
2415            6-25-2019              1—5           Added   92-100—92-104
2419            9-10-2019              1                     10-107(b)(2)
                                       2                     10-107(b)(3)
                                       3                     10-107(b)(5)
                                       4                     10-107(e)
2421           10- 8-2019              1             Added   34-301—34-307
2423           11-26-2019              1                     82-51
2429            5-26-2020              1                     92-71
2430            5-26-2020              1                     92-73
2431            7-14-2020                            Added   58-5
2432            7-14-2020              1                     92-73
2433            7-14-2020                            Added   92-74
2435            8-11-2020                                    50-303, 50-304
                                                     Added   50-305
2443           11-24-2020              1                     92-71
2445            1-26-2021              1                     18-83(d)
2446            2- 9-2021              I                     82-51(a)
2449            3-23-2021              1                     92-74
2450            3-23-2021              1                     58-3.5
2455            8-24-2021              1                     70-31(a)
2456            8-24-2021              1                     92-200—92-209
2457            8-24-2021              1                     58-1
2458            9-28-2021                                    26-403
2459           11- 9-2021              1                     70-31(a)
2471           10-25-2022              1              Rpld   26-300—26-321
                                       2             Added   26-500—26-504,

Supp. No. 14                       CCT:23
                            MUSKEGON CITY CODE

Ordinance                                                Section
Number         Date                  Section             this Code
2475            3-14-2023                                6-1—6-18
2480            5-23-2023                        Added   58-61—58-64
2481            5-23-2023                        Added   54-36
2491           10-10-2023                                58-61—58-64

Supp. No. 14                     CCT:24

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