Downtown Development Authority Minutes 09-10-2019

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                               REGULAR MEETING

                                        September 10, 2019

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:34 AM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:             M. Kleaveland, F. DePung, D. Pollock, M. Johnson, J. Riegler, M.
                             Bottomley, J. Moore, P. Edbrooke, J. Wallace Jr

MEMBERS ABSENT:              F. Peterson; H. Sytsema, excused; B. Hastings, excused; D. Kalisz,

STAFF PRESENT:               D. Alexander, M. Franzak, Planning Director; L. Mikesell, Director of
                             Development Services; L. Evans, City Engineer; B. Lewis, Finance
                             Director; D. Renkenberger, Administrative Assistant

OTHERS PRESENT:              J. Schrier, City Attorney

Approval of the August minutes was deferred until the October meeting.


Midtown Square II/Nelson Infill Development & Reimbursement Agreement– The BRA board had
previously approved the Brownfield plan amendment for this project. J. Schrier introduced the
Development & Reimbursement Agreement that also needed BRA approval. M. Bottomley asked if a
residential Brownfield amendment would be a problem. J. Schrier stated that this particular amendment
allowed the City to recoup its losses which was atypical, but it shouldn’t pose a problem.

A motion to approve the Development & Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Muskegon and
the City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority regarding the Nelson infill properties also
known as Midtown Square II, was made by J. Riegler, supported by M. Kleaveland and unanimously
approved, with M. Kleaveland, F. DePung, D. Pollock, M. Johnson, J. Riegler, M. Bottomley, J. Moore,
and P. Edbrooke voting aye.

DDA Financial Report & Budget Update– B. Lewis distributed and discussed an updated budget
worksheet. She explained that the city over-captured last year, and that tax capture monies must be
applied to the $1,000,000 debt payment owed to Muskegon County. She also stated that the State was
pushing to get that debt paid and off the books, which would affect the DDA’s tax capture income.
J. Wallace arrived at 10:43 A.M.
B. Lewis stated that staff recently received the updated budget figures and would review them to see
which adjustments could be made. Staff would provide that information to the DDA for their approval
at a future meeting. It appeared that the DDA would not have discretionary funds for this budget year.
Staff and board members discussed the budget and projections for the next few years, with estimated
DDA funds available for the next fiscal year totaling around $560,000. J. Riegler stated that the board
should take a look at salaries again, since that ratio would now be skewed. B. Lewis stated that the city
would be looking at the next fiscal year’s budget in May and would have more accurate figures at that
time. M. Kleaveland asked if there would be any ramifications from the state due to the over-capture.
B. Lewis stated that she didn’t expect any, but the City’s General Fund may need to cover some of that

Midtown streetscape update—D. Alexander distributed a press release that described the improvements
to be made to the 3rd Street corridor, and estimated that the road would be back open in the beginning of
November. M. Kleaveland asked if the City was still looking for the DDA to fund a portion of the
improvements. L. Mikesell stated that the City was not; they had utilized other options to keep the
project whole.

Downtown Events and Holidays in the City—D. Alexander discussed plans for upcoming events around
the holidays and stated that BID funds would be used to support some of those. He planned to meet with
retailers to determine how they would like to be involved in the promotion and marketing of the events.

Economic Development—D. Alexander and M. Franzak discussed several projects in the works for the
downtown area.


D. Alexander stated that staff was considering an update to city ordinance regarding smoking in city
parks. M. Bottomley stated that it would be important to have people to enforce the ordinance. J.
Wallace stated that Rotary had a 1 in 21 initiative regarding smoking that would go along with the
possible new ordinance.

Meeting schedule—M. Bottomley asked if it was still necessary to meet every month. D. Alexander
stated that an October meeting would be needed, but if there was no business, the board would not need
to meet.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:40 PM.

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