Downtown Development Authority Minutes 05-12-2020

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                               REGULAR MEETING

                                            May 12, 2020

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:46 AM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              M. Kleaveland, H. Sytsema, F. Peterson, F. DePung, D. Kalisz, M.
                              Bottomley, J. Wallace Jr, J. Riegler, D. Pollock, B. Hastings.

MEMBERS ABSENT:               Excused: J. Moore, P. Edbrooke, M. Johnson

STAFF PRESENT:                D. Alexander, Downtown Manager; L. Mikesell, Director of
                              Development Services; H. Mitchell, Code Coordinator; B. Lewis,
                              Finance Director.

OTHERS PRESENT:               D. DeHaan, Harbor West LLC; J. Belka, attorney for Harbor West LLC

A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of March 10, 2020 was made by F. Peterson,
supported by M. Kleaveland and unanimously approved.


Brownfield Plan Amendment for 1000 West Western (Hartshorn Village) by Harbor West LLC. D.
Alexander provided background information on this request. Included in board members’ meeting
packet was a “Resolution Approving Revised Brownfield Plan Amendment” for this project (Harbor
West LLC at 1000-1010-106- West Western Ave). D. Alexander requested a motion to approve or
deny the resolution.

D. DeHaan described the project and the difficulties they have encountered ranging from placement
and height for utilities. The gas and electricity are being worked on. The base coat for the asphalt has
been installed and they were hoping to have the bike path completed for Memorial Day. There was
discussion on the water issues with Fricano’s parking lot being used as an example due to it being under
water. The 1st home was sold for $600,000+ to a couple from Lansing. The main interest has been
people from Lansing and Ann Arbor. The west side of the site is better with the other sites requiring
more foundation. B. Hastings asked if some would be built and then sold or if these were going to be
custom built. D. DeHaan stated that there would be custom built as well as being built and then sold.
Any customization would have to be done based on the footprint that is established. J. Wallace Jr. asked
if the Marina was going to open. F. Peterson stated that the small basin area would not be opened but
people would still have access to their boats; they might not be able to have full access. B. Hastings
asked if the school taxes would be affected. D. Alexander explained that this would not affect any
school taxes or funding. This would only affect local taxes. J. Belka explained the tax money that would
be getting used. M. Kleaveland asked about the roadway that was headed toward Fricano’s site. J.
Belka stated that it was going to be a temporary road until it can be developed. F. Peterson shared the
colored map he had from the prior meeting before the updates were made. D. DeHaan explained further
and shared the more updated version of the site plan. D. Alexander stated that if this request would go
before the City Commission in May to ask them to hold a public hearing at their June 9 th City
Commission Meeting.

A motion to approve the resolution for the Brownfield Plan Amendment for Harbor West LLC at 1000-
1010-106- West Western Ave. and to request a public hearing before the Muskegon City Commission
to have the City Commission consider adoption of the plan, was made by F. Peterson, supported by D.
Pollock and unanimously approved, with M. Kleaveland, H. Sytsema, F. Peterson, F. DePung, D.
Kalisz, M. Bottomley, J. Wallace Jr, J. Riegler, D. Pollock, and B. Hastings voting aye.

DDA Financial Report – D. Alexander had emailed the members the financial report. B. Lewis went
over the report. D. Alexander added that the footprint for the BID portion would be changed due to
the loss with the Tax Tribunal on some of the outer areas of the downtown.

A motion to accept the financial report was made by J. Wallace Jr., supported by B. Hastings and
unanimously approved, with M. Kleaveland, H. Sytsema, F. Peterson, F. DePung, D. Kalisz, M.
Bottomley, J. Wallace Jr, J. Riegler, D. Pollock, and B. Hastings voting aye.

Economic Development-Events Report – D. Alexander went over the monthly report that had been
submitted to the members. The members and staff discussed the report.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

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