Downtown Development Authority Minutes 09-12-2023

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                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON


                              REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                     September 12, 2023

The meeting was held in the City Commission Chambers. Chairperson M. Bottomley called the
meeting to order at 10:30 AM and roll was taken.

I.     MEMBERS PRESENT:             B. Tarrant, K. Reid, H. Sytsema, J. Wallace, Jr, M.
       Bottomley, B. Hastings, S. Black, D. Pollock, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth
          MEMBERS ABSENT: M. Kleaveland, J. Moore

          STAFF PRESENT:     D. Alexander, Downtown Manager, C. Alexander,
                       Development Analyst, J. Hines, Development Analyst, Jake
                       Eckholm, Director of Development Services, S. Wilson, Treasurer,
                       A. Meisch, Clerk

Motion by J. Riegler second by B. Hastings, to approve the regular meeting minutes for July 11,
2023 with time changes noted.Voice vote, all approved.

III.   Public comments on agenda items – None
IV.    BRA Business- Contessa Alexander

         A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #3.
         A motion to approve the third request for reimbursement submitted by
         APQOZB,LLC for eligible activities was made by K. Reid and supported by B.
         Tarrant. All in favor. Motion Passes
V.     DDA agenda items

       A. DDA financial report- Contessa Alexander
               Revenues and total debt payments will be posted later on budget.
               A motion to accept the August 31, 2023 DDA and events financial statements was
               made by J. Riegler and supported by B. Hastings. All in favor. Motion Passes
       B. Housing Update- Jake Eckholm updated the members on the Housing Needs
           Assessment as was presented to commission and neighborhoods.
       C. Hay Bales Downtown- Deborah Sweet
           A request to sponsor the Downtown Hay Bales of 24 big round hay bales plus deliver
           for the amount of $1420.
           J. Seyferth made a motion to approve the purchase of 24 round hay bales for the Hay
           Bale Decoration Competition using DDA Marketing/Promotions and was supported
           by J. Riegler. All in favor. Motion passes
       D. Christmas Lights- Dave Alexander, Contessa Alexander updated the status of holiday
       projects throughout downtown. Barry’s submitted 1 year and 3 year quotes. A motion to
      support Barry’s 1 year quote for holiday lighting by K. Reid and supported. All in favor.
      Motion passes.

VI.   Meeting adjourned at 11:53AM

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