Downtown Development Authority Minutes 01-09-2024

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                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON


                              REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                      January 9, 2024

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:33 AM and roll was taken.

I.     MEMBERS PRESENT:              B. Tarrant, K. Reid, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B.
       Hastings, S. Black, J. Moore, D. Pollock, J.Seyferth
          MEMBERS ABSENT: M. Kleaveland, J. Wallace

          STAFF PRESENT: J. Hines, Development Analyst, S. Wilson, Treasurer, W.
                       Webster, development services, D. Alexander, community
                       engagement, J. Eckholm, Director of Development Services
          OTHERS PRESENT: K. Pershbacher

II.     Welcome New Member – Martha introduced the newest member, Andrew Boyd who
       gave background

Motion by K. Reid second by B. Hastings, to approve the regular meeting minutes for December,
2023Voice vote, all approved.

V.     BRA agenda items - Jake Eckholm
         A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #7 – Jake and Kirk Pershbacher gave
             background and update to support request #7 reimbursement. All costs are
             eligible for reimbursement under Act 381
         B. Hastings made a motion to approve the 7th request for reimbursement submitted
             by Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC for eligible activities. J. Moore supported
         Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B.
         Hastings, S. Black, J. Moore, D. Pollock, J. Seyferth
         Nay: None
VI.    DDA agenda items- Dave Alexander

          A. DDA financial report – Dave updated the financial report through December 31,
          J. Seyferth made a motion to accept the December 31, 2023 DDA and events
          financial statement. H. Sytsema supported.
          Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B.
          Hastings, S. Black, J. Moore, D. Pollock, J. Seyferth
          Nay: None
          B. Farmers Market request for funds – City Clerk is requesting the DDA board to
              approve expenditures of event funds for Muskegon Farmers Market equipment in
              the amount of $42,829 to include oven replacement, snow stop, picnic tables,
              cabinets and kitchen mixers, etc.
          Bob Tarrant made a motion to approve the expenditure of $42,829 in event funds for
          eight items to support the Muskegon FarmersMarket. Supported by H. Sytsema.
          Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B.
          Hastings, S. Black, J. Moore, D. Pollock, J. Seyferth
          Nay: None
          C. Façade Grant requests – Leonard Building and West Side Art Collective

          Staff has received two applications for DDA façade grants that need approved
          because they are more than $10,000. The Leonard is requesting funds to install a
          blade-type exterior sign and requesting $15,000.
          J. Seyferth made a motion to approve Corey Leonard’s request for $15,000 in a
          façade improvement grant. J. Moore supported.
          Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, S.
          Black, J. Moore, D. Pollock, J. Seyferth
          Nay: K. Reid

          238 Houston is requesting $15,000 reimbursement for siding on the first and second
          floors of a building that was damaged by a fire in 2019.
          Bob Tarrant made a motion to approve the West Side Art Collective LLC request for
          $15,000 in a façade improvement grant. Supported by B. Hastings.
          Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, H. Sytsema, A. Boyd, M. Bottomley, B.
          Hastings, S. Black, J. Moore, D. Pollock, J. Seyferth
          Nay: None
          D. Recap of holiday season downtown (discussion only)
          E. 2024 meeting schedule (information only)

VII.   Adjournment at 11:53AM

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