Lakeside Business Improvement District Agenda 07-21-2021

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                               REGUALAR BOARD MEETING
                                   JULY 21, 2021 9:00am
                                   MEETING MINUTES

Meeting called to order at 9:04am by Chair M. Flermoen and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:            L. Hopson, M. Flermoen, K. Fearnley, R. Jenkins, A. Serio

MEMBERS ABSENT:             F. Peterson, D. Ghezzi

OTHERS PRESENT:             J. Eckholm, C. Cashin


Motion by R. Jenkins, Second by A. Serio to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from the Lakeside BID
Board Meeting on 06/23/21
Vote: 5 yays, 0 nays, 0 abstentions


Discussion was had on agenda item: 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament (08/21/21)

The following budget was proposed by R. Jenkins for the basketball tournament:
$1200 – Referees (8 x $150)
$2400 – Portable rims (6 x $400)
$150 – T-shirts
$250 – Basketballs (25 x $10)
$380 – Medals/Trophies
$125 – Drinks
$75 – Time and score keepers
$4580 – Total

The board discussed having Lakeside businesses partake in sidewalk sales during the basketball tournament and
to have other vendors be on the sidewalk or empty properties off Lakeshore Drive (with approval by property
owners). Marketing materials, advertising and t-shirts will be handled by J. Eckholm and R. Jenkins. L. Hopson
will reach out to the community for ideas and assistance for kid’s activities. L. Hopson and J. Eckholm will
research bounce houses. L. Hopson will email area retailers letting them know about the sidewalk sales and
about the basketball tournament. She will suggest that they keep youth in mind for this event and possibly add
food or activities in or around their space for youth. J. Eckholm and R. Jenkins will reach out to sponsors. There
will be no sponsorship package, but sponsors will be allowed to put their own signs up around the basketball
courts. A. Serio mentioned needing portable toilets, which would add, approximately, $450 to the proposed
budget. He also mentioned being able to supply 10x10 tents, trash can liners and coolers, if needed. Other board
members also volunteered to supply tents as needed. J. Eckholm will ask to have officers on site during the

Motion by K. Fearnley, supported by A. Serio, to approve a $5000 budget for the 3 on 3 basketball tournament.
Vote: 5 yays, 0 nays, 0 abstentions



A. Serio asked how the social district funds would be distributed. He wondered if any of the funds get allocated
to Lakeside BID. J. Eckholm said he will ask Dave Alexander for clarification and get back to the board with an

J. Eckholm will work on a budget for Lakeside BID for the next meeting.

There will be two openings on the Lakeside BID board after the August 2021 Community Relations Committee
meeting confirms M. Kordecki’s removal.

L. Hopson asked about the status of the Lakeside area Tax increment financing (TIF). J. Eckholm is working on
the Development Plan and hopes to bring information to a board meeting in a month or two.

L. Hopson mentioned a drainage issue at Torrent Street and Lakeshore Drive. J. Eckholm will look into it.


Motion by R. Jenkins, supported by K. Fearnley, to adjourn the meeting.
Vote: 5 yays, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Meeting adjourned by Chair M. Flermoen at 10:11am.

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