Lakeside Business Improvement District Agenda 10-27-2022

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                     CITY OF MUSKEGON
                  SPECIAL BOARD MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                        Oct. 27, 2022
TIME OF MEETING:                        9:00 a.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                       City Hall Room 103, 933 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI


I.     Roll Call

II.    Review of Christmas decoration options and decision

III.   RFB on summer landscaping

IV.    Next meeting

V.     Adjourn


       The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
       impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to
       attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary
       aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following:

                                                Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
                                                        933 Terrace Street
                                                      Muskegon, MI 49440
                                                         (23 I) 724-6705
                               TTY([DD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that a representative dial 231-724-6705
To: Lakeside BID-CIA board members

From: Dave Alexander, Muskegon business development manager

Date: 10-25-22

Re: Special meeting on Oct. 27, 2022

The Lakeside BID board needs to decide how it wants to proceed with Christmas decorations.
There are really five options at this point:

    1. A full contract with Preferred Landscaping for 60 tree light wraps and 45 light poles
       wrapped in red with plastic garland. The materials can be reused and the cost will be
       less next year. $17,695
    2. Do only half of the Preferred Landscaping work. The lighted tree wraps would be
        $11,332. The light pole wraps would be $6,363.
    3. Get Christmas by Bailey to wrap the light poles and use fresh garland that is for one year
        only. Last year's cost was $5,100. The problem might be that Bill Bailey is having trouble
        sourcing the fresh garland.
    4. Do no Lakeshore Drive Christmas decorations and hold BID-CIA funds for future snow
       removal and summer landscaping work.
    5. A final option would be to put some financial resources toward producing and
        promoting Holidays in Lakeside event.

I have put last year's agreement in your packet with the overall quote from Preferred

Staff has no recommendation. These are BID funds generated through special assessments and
the board really needs to make the decision on how to go forward.

You now have an estimated $28,000 between the BID and CIA. Your snow contract is basically
covered by annual revenues. Money spent this year will not be replaced in 2023. The CIA
revenues of $7,400 this year will grow in the future.
New Project
Estimate Approval - TC-055

City Of Muskegon                                                                                                    Preferred Lawn Care

933 Terrace Street                                                                                         preferredlawncarewm@gmail .com
Muskegon, Michigan 49440                                                                                                     231-766-0006

Holiday lighting of lakeshore drive                                                                                             $15,095.66
These workareas are: Quoted Price pricing"'

Holiday lighting of lakeshore Drive to include 60 trees and 45 light poles which will be wrapped in Garland and Red Ribbon Wrap . Trees
will be wrapped in 5MM mini lights.

Lighting Removal and storage                                                                                                      $2,600.00
These workareas are: Quoted Price pricing"

Removal and storage of holiday lighting for lakeshore drive

                                                                                 (clue on signing)   Down Payment                    $8,847.83
Date :
                                                                                         (due on     Final Payment                   $8,847.83

                                                                                                     Total                      $17,695.66

                                                                               * Sales tax, if applicable, is not represented on tllis proposal

Terms and Conditions :

Terms and Conditions

I agree with the price and terms of this Estimate. I also acknowledge that all materials will remain property of Preferred Lawn Care until
paid in full . I also acknowledge that this is only an estimate . Preferred Lawn Care and its associates make every attempt to keep the
price of this estimate; however, this does not cover any unforeseen circumstances . Acceptance of proposal requires half down to
schedule job. Remaining balance is due at completion.

Please Note: All necessary permits to be acquired by homeowner I property manager prior to the start of any work being
performed. Homeowner I property manager is responsible for marking property lines, as well as wetlands borders of said
property. Homeowner I property manager are responsible for locating and marking septic systems, irrigation systems, underground dog
fences, and wells.

* Quoted Price : The provided price will be the amount on the final invoice.
* Time and Materials Price: Is billed based on actual Labor and Materials, meaning the price shown is just an estimate.
* Flat Rate Price: Price shown is just an estimate , you will be billed on a "per service" basis.

Ne w Project, created on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 1 :15 PM                                                                     Page 1 of 1

   eilri<,t:mu.1 0 1,ea l fotM                                        Christmas Creations by Bailey
                                                                                           Bill Bailey

 Invoice No#: 0017
 Invoice Date : Dec 16, 2021
 Due Date: Jan 15, 2022
                                                                                      AMOUNT DUE

 Lakeside Business District
 Dave Alexander

   #    ITEMS & DESCRIPTION                                 QTY/HRS           PRICE     AMOUNT($)

   1    Holiday Decorations                                      60          $85.00       $5,100.00
        Light poles , wrap ped in red ribbo n w/ga rl and

                                                                  Subtotal                 $5,100.00

                                                                 TOTAL           $5,100.00 USO

Thank you for your business. Merry Christmas!

Items defined below provide a general scope of work. Each individual bid area has unique needs
and items specific to that area. Use this document as a general guidance document that covers
many of the areas that are common and duplicated throughout multiple areas. Additional
specific information for each area along with which general scope items apply are included in the
Request for Bids document. Any variances (additions/subtractions/revisions from this document
should be noted on the Bid Form in the notes section.

   •    Spring Cleanup - To be completed prior to May 15 annually
           o Thatch and aerate all turf areas as needed
           o Edge all turf areas where appropriate
           o Trim all ornamental grasses and annual plants to spring start height
           o Cleanout landscape beds of all trash, weeds, excess mulch, leaves and any
             other landscape debris
           o Trim and prune all shrubs, bushes and trees within the designated areas
           o Assess landscaping, shrub, tree, and all other plantings for condition and
             variety. Provide contract owner with recommendations and cost estimates to
             replace plantings for conditional reasons and to provide for broader color
             options and season long appeal. Contract owner will review
             recommendations and will provide authorization to proceed with approved
             plantings along with separate negotiated payment for new plantings.
           o Install new hardwood mulch in all mulched landscape beds to provide
             consistent and uniform coverage
           o Repair and recommend for replacement any landscape edging
           o Haul and dispose of all yard waste. Trash collected can be bagged and left
             for City staff to collect
           o Ensure that all sidewalks, streets, and curb lines are cleaned of all debris
             created during the process
           o Coordinate with DPW staff to activate irrigation at the appropriate time

    •   Fertilization

       o Four (4) fertilization applications on all turf areas and any other areas as
         recommended by the Contractor on the following schedule:
                   Spring (completed by June 1)
                   Early Summer (completed by July 30)
              11   Late Summer (completed by September 30)
              ■    Fall/Winterized (completed by Nov. 30)
       o Contractor shall have discretion to recommend fertilizer product as
         appropriate and in compliance with all governing laws/ordinances
       o Fertilizer shall be appropriate for areas with expected human/animal

•   Nuisance Management
       o During the period of May 1 October 31 provide weekly hand weeding
         and cleanup of all landscaped areas.
       o During the period of May 1 - October 31 provide weekly hand weeding or
         equally effective herbicide to sidewalk and curb areas to keep them free of
         nuisance weed and grass growth.
       o Four (4) applications of weed control, insecticide and fungicide to all turf
         areas and landscaping beds. Application rates and timing shall be at
         contractor discretion to ensure proper growth and maintenance.
       o Contractor shall have discretion to recommend nuisance control product as
         appropriate and in compliance with all governing laws/ordinances
       o Nuisance control products shall be appropriate for areas with expected
         human/animal contact and shall be applied by a licensed applicator.

•   Mowing
       o During the period of May 1 - October 31 provide weekly mowing of all
         turf areas
       o All areas that can't be accomplished with a mower to be weed whipped on
         a similar schedule or have additional landscaping added to eliminate weed
       o Provide weekly edging at all locations where a hard surface meets a turf

       o Ensure that all sidewalks, streets, and curb lines are cleaned of all debris
         created during the process

•   Fall cleanup - To be completed prior to November 15 annually
       o Contractor shall have discretion to address items identified in the Seasonal
         Spring Cleanup section during the fall with Contract Owner approval. This is
         intended to ease spring operations and/or provide additional benefit to the
       o Cleanout landscape beds of all trash, weeds, excess mulch, leaves and any
         other landscape debris
       o Assess landscaping, shrub, tree, and all other plantings for condition and
         variety. Provide contract owner with recommendations and cost estimates to
         replace plantings for conditional reasons and to provide for broader color
         options and season long appeal. Contract owner will review
         recommendations and will provide authorization to proceed with approved
         plantings along with separate negotiated payment for new plantings.
       o Coordinate with DPW staff to winterize irrigation at the appropriate time

•   Hanging Baskets I Flower Pots
       o Hanging baskets and flower pots shall be installed and actively maintained
         from May 15 - September 15 annually
       o Install flowers within existing pots (Bid Area #008) or provide hanging
         baskets to fit the site (Bid Area #002)
       o Recommend plantings for the hanging baskets and flower pots and work
         with the Contract Owner to obtain approval for the plantings to ensure
         broad variety, season long appeal, and themed uniformity.
       o Provide frequent watering and any other services needed to the hanging
         baskets to ensure they remain vibrant and blooming throughout the
         growmg season
       o Recommend replacement of damaged baskets/pots
       o   Coordinate with the city on needed relocations annually. City staff intend to set
           the location prior to the Spring start date and only move planters as needed for
           specific projects/events with a goal to minimize movement throughout the season.
           Any additional work required to restore a planter related to mid-season
           relocations is paid separately.

Bid Area #009 - Lakeside Commercial District

Lakeshore Drive from Robinson Street to Clifford Street
Scope of Work

   •   Spring Cleanup

   •   Fertilization
   •   Nuisance Management

   •   Mowing

   •   Fall cleanup
   •   Additional Bid Area #002          Specific Items
           o Area includes three irrigated, raised landscape beds that are subject to all
             applicable maintenance tasks
            o Areas includes the turf terrace areas along Lakeshore Drive between the
              noted intersections


The proposed project seeks to provide more uniformed and routine maintenance to a wide variety
of landscaped features in and around the core downtown area for the 2023-2025 calendar years
with potential extensions for 2024 and 2025 (Base 3-Year / Max 5-Year). Cunsently the areas
listed above are maintained by a variety of entities and there is a desire to consolidate the services.

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