Lakeside Business Improvement District Agenda 05-17-2023

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                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
                        BOARD MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                        May 17, 2023
TIME OF MEETING:                        9:00 a.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                       City Hall Room 204, 933 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI


I.        Roll Call

II.       BID financial statements, 4-30-23

III.      Lakeside BID renewal- Approval of final documents

IV.        Christmas Decoration- Light poles

V.        Report from the Lakeside District Association

VI.       Adjourn

                           OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES

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       The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
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       Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk at 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TTY/
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05/15/2023 08:14 AM                              GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                      Page:          1/2
User: jessica.rabe
DB: Muskegon                                    TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2023 TO 04/30/2023
Date         JNL   Type    Description                                  Reference #           Debits     Credits         Balance

Department 000
01/01/2023                 286-000-001 CASH IN BANK                                   BEG. BALANCE                     33,057.64
01/06/2023     CD   CHK    ELITE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT                30359(A)                    13,440.00       19,617.64
01/27/2023     CD   CHK    PREFERRED LAWN CARE & SNOW PLOWING                545627                       975.00       18,642.64
01/31/2023     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8667            10.77                   18,653.41
                                                                      Total for Jan            10.77   14,415.00

02/10/2023     CD   CHK    HARBOR HOUSE PUBLISHERS                           545672                       875.00       17,778.41
02/14/2023     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8660            16.11                   17,794.52
02/14/2023     GJ   JE     TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY: 8660               8664                        16.11       17,778.41
02/28/2023     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8789             7.59                   17,786.00
                                                                      Total for Feb            23.70      891.11

04/30/2023                 286-000-001                                 END BALANCE             34.47   15,306.11       17,786.00

  UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified                                                                   34.47   15,306.11       17,786.00
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                       34.47   15,306.11

TOTAL Assets                                                                                   34.47   15,306.11       17,786.00
Department 000
01/01/2023                 286-000-202 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                               BEG. BALANCE                          0.00
01/03/2023     AP   INV    LAKESIDE BID SECOND AND FINAL SNOW REMOV            2309                    13,440.00      (13,440.00)
01/06/2023     CD   CHK    ELITE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT                30359(A)        13,440.00                        0.00
01/12/2023     AP   INV    LAKESIDE BID CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS                 43816                       975.00         (975.00)
01/27/2023     CD   CHK    PREFERRED LAWN CARE & SNOW PLOWING                545627           975.00                        0.00
01/31/2023     AP   INV    LAKESIDE BID VISITOR GUIDE 2023                 MUS31128                       875.00         (875.00)
                                                                      Total for Jan        14,415.00   15,290.00

02/10/2023     CD   CHK    HARBOR HOUSE PUBLISHERS                           545672           875.00                        0.00
                                                                      Total for Feb           875.00

04/30/2023                 286-000-202                                 END BALANCE         15,290.00   15,290.00            0.00

  UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified                                                               15,290.00   15,290.00            0.00
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                   15,290.00   15,290.00

TOTAL Liabilities                                                                          15,290.00   15,290.00            0.00
Fund Equity
Department 000
01/01/2023                 286-000-399 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED                        BEG. BALANCE                    (45,790.88)

04/30/2023                 286-000-399                                 END BALANCE              0.00        0.00      (45,790.88)

  UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified                                                                                          (45,790.88)

TOTAL Fund Equity                                                                                                     (45,790.88)
Department 000
01/01/2023                 286-000-451 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                            BEG. BALANCE                     (1,838.24)

04/30/2023                 286-000-451                                 END BALANCE              0.00        0.00       (1,838.24)

  4100: TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                                                                                    (1,838.24)

01/01/2023                 286-000-665-004970 INTEREST INCOME                         BEG. BALANCE                       (111.42)
05/15/2023 08:14 AM                              GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                          Page:         2/2
User: jessica.rabe
DB: Muskegon                                    TRANSACTIONS FROM 01/01/2023 TO 04/30/2023
Date         JNL   Type    Description                                  Reference #            Debits        Credits        Balance

                           286-000-665-004970 INTEREST INCOME                         (Continued)
01/31/2023   GJ      JE    INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8667                            10.77        (122.19)
                                                                      Total for Jan                            10.77

02/14/2023   GJ      JE    INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8660                            16.11        (138.30)
02/14/2023   GJ      JE    TO REVERSE MANUAL JOURNAL ENTRY: 8660               8664             16.11                       (122.19)
02/28/2023   GJ      JE    INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                             8789                             7.59        (129.78)
                                                                      Total for Feb             16.11          23.70

04/30/2023                 286-000-665-004970                          END BALANCE              16.11          34.47        (129.78)

  4700: FINES & PENALTIES                                                                       16.11          34.47        (129.78)

01/01/2023                 286-000-684 MISC. & SUNDRY                                    BEG. BALANCE                     (4,593.00)

04/30/2023                 286-000-684                                 END BALANCE                  0.00        0.00      (4,593.00)

  4200: LICENSES & PERMITS                                                                                                (4,593.00)
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                        16.11          34.47

TOTAL Revenues                                                                                  16.11          34.47      (6,561.02)
Department 704 LAKESIDE BID
01/01/2023                 286-704-801 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                              BEG. BALANCE                     19,275.90
01/03/2023   AP      INV   LAKESIDE BID SECOND AND FINAL SNOW REMOV            2309         13,440.00                     32,715.90
01/12/2023   AP      INV   LAKESIDE BID CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS                 43816            975.00                     33,690.90
01/31/2023   AP      INV   LAKESIDE BID VISITOR GUIDE 2023                 MUS31128            875.00                     34,565.90
                                                                      Total for Jan         15,290.00

04/30/2023                 286-704-801                                 END BALANCE          15,290.00           0.00      34,565.90

  5300: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                                15,290.00                     34,565.90
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 704 LAKESIDE BID                                                       15,290.00           0.00

TOTAL Expenditures                                                                          15,290.00                     34,565.90

TOTAL FOR FUND 286 LAKESIDE BID                                                             30,630.58      30,630.58           0.00
To: BID board members
From: Contessa Alexander, Development Analyst
Re: 3-year renewal recommendation

Date: 5-17-23
Board members:
Please find in your agenda packet on this item:
   1.   A introduction letter that goes out with the notice of special assessment
   2.   The special assessment explanation and vote
   3.   The budget/work plan and vote
   4.   The BID map showing the two past districts and the proposed 2024-26 district in RED
   5.   The special assessment roll
We are at a point now of making a final recommendation to the city commission. Any motion
would need to address these issues with your current consensus listed:
   1.   District boundaries: As shown on map
   2.   Special assessment timeframe: Three years 2024-2026
   3.   Special assessment rates: 4 cents/sf and 2 cents/sf capped at $1,600
   4.   Specific special assessments: Per the assessment roll
   5.   How to be assessed: Winter property tax bills
   6.   A recommendation of this being the final three years of the BID
A separate motion would needed:

        1. How will the funds be spent: Per budget and work plan
If approved, the next steps would be:
   1. Gather the materials for the county’s Benefit Analysis and letter of certifying need.
   2. Put the documents into a renewal plan and make an initial presentation at a city
      commission work session.
   3. Establish two public hearings on the district and the tax roll for commission meetings in
      August and September.
   4. Send out the special assessment notice and ability of property owners to vote their
      support or objection.
   5. Have the commission take final action by Oct. 31 for assessments on the 2023 winter tax
To our Downtown Muskegon neighbors:

The City of Muskegon in conjunction with Lakeside stakeholders is proposing to renew
the Lakeside Business Improvement District (BID) assessment for three more years,
starting in January of 2024. The BID board -- appointed by the Muskegon City
Commission of BID assessment paying property owners – is recommending this renewal.

Funds from the BID assessments from 2021-2023 have enabled us to pay for many items
which improved the Lakeside business district which include the following: snow
removal from sidewalks; Christmas decorations and holiday tree lighting, landscaping
and maintenance; Lakeside events; advertisement in the Visitors Guide and Lake Hawks
basketball hoops.

It is so important that we continue supporting these much-needed services in Lakeside
so that we can continue to preserve the value of our district. Lakeside has never looked
so good and we should continue to keep this positivity going! This is not the time to back
off on supporting downtown but instead continuing to support continued growth. We
are asking you to help keep this momentum by supporting the BID district for 2024-2026
at a reduced special assessment rate.

Please review the enclosed letter for details, including your proposed assessment
amount. The Lakeside BID Board has proposed a significant reduction in the district
footprint to better align with downtown benefits, reducing the assessment rates and a
continued budget and work plan to reflect the district. The 2024-2026 BID documents,
including the Benefit Analysis Summary, can be viewed in the Clerk’s Office on the first
floor at City Hall, or on the City’s website at


Contessa Alexander

Contessa Alexander
City of Muskegon
Development Analyst
2024-2026 Assessment
From: Contessa Alexander, BID-CIA staff
Date: May 17, 2023
To: Muskegon City Clerk/City Commission
From: Lakeside Business Improvement District Board

The three-year Lakeside Business Improvement District special assessment district
ends on Dec. 31, 2023. It has been successful in providing an essential service in
sidewalk snow removal, allowing for a transition from the Lakeside District
Association to the Corridor Improvement Authority and establishing a future of
quality public services to a critical commercial district between downtown and
the beach.
As time goes on, the CIA’s tax increment financing revenues will grow to replace
the BID revenues. The Lakeside Business Improvement District Board
recommends that the BID be renewed for a final three years, 2024-2026 so as to
complete the transition to the CIA, continuing with current district boundaries,
placing the special assessments on the winter tax bills and recommending that
this be the final BID renewal request.

The rate based upon square footage of land of the assessed commercial
properties, Lakeside BID recommends 2 cents the established rate for industrial,
automotive and utility properties that do not gain as much benefit from the
district as the other commercial uses. The Lakeside BID recommends a 4-cent rate
for the next three years based upon financial analysis of revenues and
expenditures. Based upon conservative assumptions, the recommended rate
maintains current services and discretionary funds for the three years, offers a 20
percent reduction in special assessments and puts the CIA in a position to
continue current services in 2027 and beyond.
2024 - 2026 Assessments:
   - “Class A” Properties, as defined in the BID Bylaws, shall be assessed
     annually assessment of $0.04/sf with no assessment to exceed $1,600.
     Contiguous properties with the same use and same owner shall be assessed
      as one property. Property lot size on record with the City Assessor shall be
      used in determining the square footage of properties.
  -   “Class B” properties as defined in the BID Bylaws be assessed annually
      assessment of $0.02/sf with no assessment to exceed $1600. Contiguous
      properties with the same use and same owner shall be assessed as one
      property. Property lot size on record with the City Assessor shall be used in
      determining the square footage of properties.
  - Based on this assessment structure, approximately $21,334.04 will be
    expected to support services for businesses and property owners within the
    Lakeside BID during 2024-2026.
  - The assessment shall be placed on the 2024, 2025 and 2026 winter
    property tax bills. This is the final special assessment the BID is
  - The 2024-2026 Lakeside BID district, assessment rolls and collection
    methods were discussed at Lakeside BID Board meetings on April 12, 2023
    and May 17, 2023. A resolution supporting the above recommendation was
    voted on at the May 17, 2023 Lakeside BID Board meeting. The vote result
    was as follows:
2024-26 BID Recommendation Vote:
Member                Yes     No     Abstention      Motion/Support Absent
Chair Mark
Melanie Lyonnais
Ron Jenkins
Louise Hopson
Kathy Fearnley
Dick Ghezzi
Andrea Chambers
Allen Serio
Jonathan Seyferth
                Lakeside Business Improvement District
Budget Recommendation & Explanation
Date: May 17, 2023
To: Muskegon City Clerk/City Commission
From: Lakeside Business Improvement District Board

Budget Recommendation:
This is a proposed budget for the Lakeside Business Improvement District for 2024-2026.
Based on a two-tier assessment where “Class A” Properties pay $0.04/sf annually and “Class B”
Properties pay $0.02/sf annually the Lakeside BID can expect to generate $21,334.04 during
2024. Property special assessments are capped at $1,600.
                      Proposed 2024-2026 BID budgets
 2023 BID Estimated Fund Balance                 $22,271.00
               2024 Revenues
 2024 BID Special Assessments                    $21,334.04
 2024 Estimated CIA Revenues                     $10,538.00
 Total Revenues                                  $31,869.04
              2024 Expenditures
 Snow removal                                    ($26,880.00)
 Landscaping                                     ($500.00)
 Marketing, promotion, events                    ($1,000.00)
 Holiday Decorations/ Streetscape                ($3,500.00)
 *Contingency                                    Not included

 Total                                           ($31,880.00)

 2024 BID Estimated Fund Balance                 $22,263.04

Budget Explanation:
Snow removal: This is the largest item. Sidewalk snow removal current contract with Berry
Ghezzi is in place for 2023-2024 and will be reviewed for the final two years.
Landscaping: Materials to be provided for volunteer work.
Marketing, promotion, events: The BID will have enough in this line item or the fund balance to
assist for a summer or fall event.
Holiday Decorations/ Streetscape: The BID will consider tree lighting and pole decorating for the
holiday season.

The 2024-2026 BID budget and work plan was approved by a vote of the BID Board on May 17,
2023. The BID board vote results were:
2024 BID Budget Vote: Recommendation Approved:
       Member         Yes   No   Abstention      Motion/Support   Absent
Chair Mark Flermoen
Melanie Lyonnais
Ron Jenkins
Louise Hopson
Kathy Fearnley
Dick Ghezzi
Andrea Chambers
Allen Serio
Jonathan Seyferth
   _ADDRESS         SF per assessing OWNER_NAME1                       Assessment Amount 4 cents      Class
1950 LAKESHORE DR      15060.5    1950 LAKESHORE DRIVE LLC                                   602.42   A
1983 LAKESHORE DR      13171.88   1983 LAKESHORE LLC                                       526.8752   A
1888 LAKESHORE DR                 ALDERINK SHANNA                                                 0
1742 LAKESHORE DR                 BAESSLER LAURI J                                                0
2353 LAKESHORE DR                 BILLINGSLEY COLLIN                                              0
2159 LAKESHORE DR                 BISHOP TODD/JANET                                               0
2211 LAKESHORE DR                 BISSON MARY J                                                   0
2445 LAKESHORE DR      8712.00    BLAKE TOM/EVANS BLAKE                                      348.48   A
2205 LAKESHORE DR                 BODMAN NILS/NADJI M/BUIKEMA LESLIE                              0
2155 LAKESHORE DR                 BROCK CHRISTOPHER J                                             0
1991 LAKESHORE DR      40617.80   BTBG INVESTMENTS LLC                                         1600   A
2133 LAKESHORE DR                 BURLINGAME DANIEL                                               0
2085 LAKESHORE DR                 BVF PROPERTIES LLC                                              0
1700 LAKESHORE DR      26400.00   C & C MANAGEMENT GROUP INC                                   1056   A
2182 LAKESHORE DR      37644.29   CENTRAL PAPER EMPLOYEES FCU                             1505.7716   A
2123 LAKESHORE DR                 CHRIS COLLINS RENTALS LLC                                       0
2117 LAKESHORE DR                 COLLINS CHRISTOPHER TRUST ET AL                                 0
1794 LAKESHORE DR      19694.80   CROW INVESTMENTS LLC                                         1600   A
1786 LAKESHORE DR       6210.00   CROW INVESTMENTS LLC                                        248.4   A
1756 LAKESHORE DR      19800.00   RAANS PROPERTIES LLC                                          792   A
2034 LAKESHORE DR      10767.00   DOOM TREVOR                                                215.34   B
2471 LAKESHORE DR                 DOUGLAS STEVEN M/EVE E                                          0
2437 LAKESHORE DR                 DOYLE PATRICK M                                                 0
1930 LAKESHORE DR      18144.00   FELINSKI BILL W TRUST                                      725.76   A
1878 LAKESHORE DR                 FGA LLC                                                         0
2130 LAKESHORE DR                 FONNER ADAM M                                                   0
2054 LAKESHORE DR      8600.00    FUNK EDWARD W TRUST                                           172   B
1732 LAKESHORE DR      8750.00    GARRETT LORIL                                                 350   A
2020 LAKESHORE DR      6675.23    GAWKOWSKI PROPERTIES LAKESHORE LLC                       267.0092   A
2043 LAKESHORE DR                 GHEZZI RICHARD                                                  0
2017 LAKESHORE DR      8170.80    GHEZZI RICHARD A ESTATE                                   326.832   A
1812 LAKESHORE DR      19386.00   GHEZZI RICHARD A ESTATE                                    775.44   A
1937 LAKESHORE DR      9529.00    GHEZZI RICHARD P                                           381.16   A
2055 LAKESHORE DR               GHEZZI TRAVIS R                         0
2033 LAKESHORE DR    7425.00    GHEZZI TRAVIS R                       297   A
1904 LAKESHORE DR               GOFF ROBERT SR/SHAWN L                  0
1629 LAKESHORE DR               GOULET ZACHARY T                        0
2341 LAKESHORE DR    7700.00    H2O ENTERPRISES LLC                   308   A
2349 LAKESHORE DR               HAMEL TROY S/CHRISTINE                  0
2144 LAKESHORE DR               HAMMERLE WENDI                          0
2075 LAKESHORE DR               HASSALEVRIS JASON                       0
2235 LAKESHORE DR               HENDRICKSON EDWIN L/DEBRA B             0
2257 LAKESHORE DR               HICKS ANGELA                            0
2333 LAKESHORE DR               HYSO KLAID                              0
1716 LAKESHORE DR               JOHNSON BRIAN/DEBORAH                   0
2355 LAKESHORE DR               KENDRA JOHN                             0
1883 LAKESHORE DR    7078.00    KORNDORFER PAUL R                  283.12   A
1891 LAKESHORE DR    7407.00    KORNDORFER PAUL R                  296.28   A
1830 LAKESHORE DR               KUBON NANCY ET AL                       0
1777 LAKESHORE DR               LAKESIDE VETERANS CLUB                  0
1605 LAKESHORE DR               LARSON ALEXANDRIA                       0
2465 LAKESHORE DR   16665.00    M J BLAIS LLC                       666.6   A
1637 LAKESHORE DR               MCCABE JAMES F                          0
2245 LAKESHORE DR               MCCALL WENDY                            0
1905 LAKESHORE DR               MERLONE PROPERTIES LLC                  0
2160 LAKESHORE DR               MICHAEL MORSE                           0
2565 LAKESHORE DR   39275.00    MOJI INC                             1571   A
1763 LAKESHORE DR               MUSKEGON RECREATION CLUB                0
1824 LAKESHORE DR               NYE DONALD H ESTATE                     0
1864 LAKESHORE DR   13600.00    PPJ INVESTMENTS LLC                   544   A
2463 LAKESHORE DR               PRIVACKY FRANK/SHENK LINDA J            0
2125 LAKESHORE DR               RASEY JOHN R/TAMMY                      0
1910 LAKESHORE DR               SAND DOCK PROPERTIES LLC                0
1623 LAKESHORE DR               SCHWING PAUL D                          0
2223 LAKESHORE DR               SEIFERT KURT                            0
1920 LAKESHORE DR   344124.00   SHM GREAT LAKES LLC                  1600   A
      2080 LAKESHORE DR    16920.00        SHORELINE SERVICE INC                                  676.8   A
      1724 LAKESHORE DR                    SIEDLECKI TERESA M                                         0
      1896 LAKESHORE DR                    SIMON ADAM L/JENNIFER A                                    0
      2143 LAKESHORE DR                    SLAGH DAVID A/ANDREA M                                     0
      2063 LAKESHORE DR                    STEINBACH & STEINBACH LLC                                  0
      2009 LAKESHORE DR     5321.00        STEINBACH JOHN E ET AL                                212.84   A
      1899 LAKESHORE DR                    STRYCHAR KEVIN B                                           0
     2167 LAKESHORE DR      3825.00        SWARVAR DANIEL C                                         153   A
     2173 LAKESHORE DR      4165.00        SWARVAR DANIEL C                                       166.6   A
      2187 LAKESHORE DR    10795.00        SWARVAR DANIEL C                                       431.8   A
      2124 LAKESHORE DR                    TEICHMER SCOTT R                                           0
      2447 LAKESHORE DR                    THOMAS ROBERT                                              0
      1945 LAKESHORE DR     5445.00        THORSEN SHEILA P TRUST                                 217.8   A
      1748 LAKESHORE DR                    THORSEN SHEILA TRUST                                       0
      1953 LAKESHORE DR     8170.80        TOP FLIGHT LLC                                       326.832   A
      2136 LAKESHORE DR                    VANLENTE MARSHA                                            0
      1831 LAKESHORE DR    12556.00        VERIZON INC (FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS)                 251.12   B
      1927 LAKESHORE DR    9529.00         VF VENTURES LLC                                       381.16   A
      1845 LAKESHORE DR    19272.00        VF VENTURES LLC                                       770.88   A
      2111 LAKESHORE DR                    WASHINGTON JONATHAN/WALLACE LAPOLIA                        0
      1595 LAKESHORE DR     8976.00        WASSERMAN PROPERTY COMPANY LLC                        359.04   A
      1965 LAKESHORE DR     8167.00        WILLIAM J GIBNER LLC                                  326.68   A
      2152 LAKESHORE DR                    YOUNTS MARK A/KATHYRN L                                    0


Square footage assessed:        833749.1

Assessment amount
             Class         Amt per s/f
               A              0.04
B   0.02
Expenses 2024
Sidewalk Snow Removal              $   26,880.00
Marketing/ Events                  $    1,000.00
Holiday Decorations/ Streetscape   $    3,500.00
Landscaping                        $      500.00
Total                              $   31,880.00
*contingency not included
Assessment at 4 cents
2024                         Revenues     Expenses
Left over from previous year $ 22,271.00 $ 31,880.00
CIA                           $ 10,538.00
Special Assessment            $ 21,334.04
Total Revenue                 $ 54,143.04 $ 22,263.04

Left over from pervious year   $   22,901.50 $ 33,474.00 *Includes 5% increase
CIA                            $   13,663.00
Special Assessment             $   21,334.04
Total Revenue                  $   57,898.54 $ 24,424.54

Left over from pervious year   $   25,063.00 $ 35,147.70 *Includes 5% increase
CIA                            $   16,850.00
Special Assessment             $   21,334.04
Total Revenue                  $   63,247.04 $ 28,099.34

2027 (No BID)
Left over from pervious year   $ 28,099.34 $ 36,905.09 *Includes 5% increase
CIA                            $ 20,102.00
Total Revenue                  $ 48,201.34 $ 11,296.26
      Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
                  Three-Year Renewal Process

• The BID board unanimously recommended the BID renewal for
  three years 2023-2026 at its April 12, 2023 meeting.
• The Muskegon City Commission must conduct two public hearings
  and take two affirmative votes by Oct. 31 to have the proposed
  special assessments on the winter tax bill in 2023.
• All of the needed renewal documentation was sent to City
  Assessor David Becker at the Muskegon County Equalization
  Bureau for a needed benefit analysis letter. That letter should be
  provided the city by Aug. 14.
• Contessa Alexander will provide a BID update, the renewal
  recommendation and overview of the process for the Muskegon
  City Commission at the Aug. 10 work session.
• The two public hearings would be Sept. 8 to approve the district
  and the assessment rate and Oct. 13 to approve the special
  assessment roll.
• For the Sept. 8 public hearing there needs to be two notices
  placed in The Chronicle Sundays Aug. 16 and Aug. 23.
• For the Sept. 8 public hearing, a notice of the public hearing to
  property owners needs to be mailed by Aug. 28.
• For the Oct. 13 public hearing there needs to be two notices
  placed in The Chronicle Sundays Sept. 20 and Sept. 27.
• For the Oct. 13 public hearing, a notice of the public hearing to
  property owners mailed by Oct. 2.

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