Approved Agreements and Contracts 2024-02-13 Employee Assistance Program UFirst

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                                  ULLIANCE FIRST RESPONDER SUPPORT TEAM

                                  City of Muskegon
                             U*F1 RST Service Addendum

This Addendum ("Addendum"), is made effective December 1st, 2023 (the "Effective Date"), by
and between City of Muskegon, including all divisions and/or sites currently, and while under
this Service Addendum are owned by City of Muskegon, ("Customer"), and Ulliance, Inc., a
Michigan Corporation (and its successors and assigns) ("Ulliance"). Customer and Ulliance are
collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as "Party." Ulliance and the Customer
agree and acknowledge that the purpose of this Addendum is to modify as provided herein and
otherwise continue the present contractual relationship between the Parties as described in their
current Life Advisor Employee Assistance Service Agreement dated 1st November 2023 .

Ulliance and the Customer agree and acknowledge that the purpose of this addendum is to
modify as provided herein and otherwise continue the present contractual relationship between
the Parties as described in their current Life Advisor Employee Assistance Service Agreement
dated 1st of November 2023. In consideration of the extension of the mutual promises,
representations, assurances, agreements and provisions in the Employee Assistance Service
Agreement and this Addendum, the Adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties,
Ulliance and the Customer herby agrees to amend the current Life Advisor Employee
Assistance Service Agreement to include the following:

1. Term: This addendum shall become effective on the 1st day of December 2023 following
   the signing of the Addendum and shall run concurrently with the Customers Employee
   Assistance Service Agreement dated 1st of November 2023.

2. Services to be Provided: Ulliance shall continue to provide those services to the Customer
   which was set forth in the Life Adviser Employee Assistance Agreement dated November 1st,
   2023, and provide the following U*F1 RST Program services:

    a. Develop an in-person network of counselors with First Responder experience that would
       be within the vicinity of the Customer.

    b. Provide counseling, crisis support, coaching, work/life materials, and make referrals to
       counselors experienced in dealing with the unique issues of First Responders and their

    c.   Provide Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) trained counselors for critical
         incident stress debriefings.

    d. Provide promotion and communication materials specific to First Responders and their
   e. Provide a dedicated phone number for First Responders and their families to access

   f.   Provide First Responders with a (1) three-hour, Zero to 60 Career Survival and
        Emotional Wellness training.

   g. Provide First Responders with (4) one-hour, Ulliance First Responder Trainings.

3. Service Fee: The Customer agrees to pay Ulliance in accordance with the terms of this
   addendum with a fee schedule that is based on an annual capitation rate of $9,500 per year.
   There is no fee for eligible First Responder's dependent coverage. The Customer will pay
   Ulliance, Inc. on a annual basis, the first payment due at the time of the start of the program
   and the following payments due upon the receipt of a U*F1 RST invoice. The U*F1 RST
   capitated fee may be reviewed and adjusted annually by Ulliance and as agreed upon by

 First Responder     51-100
 Head Count

 Fee                 $9,500

 Zero to 60          Include: (1)
 Career Survival     3-hour
 and Emotional       session;
 Wellness            additional
                     sessions at
                     $1,800 ea

 Peer Support        $200 / hr

 Ulliance            Include (4)
 U*F1RST             1-hour
 Trainings           sessions;
                     at $450 / hr

4. Employee Eligibility: An eligible person to be covered under the Customers U*F1 RST
   Assistance Program is defined as a full and/or part time First Responders, their spouse, live
   together/domestic partner, the Customer First Responder's dependent children as identified
   by the Internal Revenue Service and First Responder who have the U*F1 RST services
   provided to them under Cobra benefits.

5. All Other Terms: All other Terms and conditions of the Life Advisor Employee Assistance
   agreement shall remain in effect for this addendum.
Ulliance, Inc.                               City of Muskegon
900 Tower Drive, Suite 600                   933 Terrace St
Troy, Ml 48098                               Muskegon, Ml49440
Contract N.,o. ,245788
BY:~dd~                                      BY ~
PRINTED NAME:      Todd Lancaster            PRINTED NAME: Kenneth D. Johnson
TITLE: Vice President of Sales & Marketing   TITLE : Mayor
DATE:     2/22/2024                              -21 dq Id{}c) t.f

                                             PRINTED NAME: Ann Marie Meisch
                                             TITLE: City Clerk
                                             DATE: _ _........,,
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