Community Engagement

Community Engagement 

The Community Engagement Department at the City of Muskegon serves as a vital bridge between the city and its residents. Our mission is to empower residents by providing them with opportunities to contribute their insights and opinions to various city projects.  We work alongside each City of Muskegon Department (from Parks & Recreation to the Treasury Office) to build relationships and enhance public participation. The engagement team specializes in facilitating dialogue with neighborhood associations, residents, businesses, and all stakeholders throughout the city. 

We encourage you to visit the Connect Muskegon Community Engagement Hub to discover what’s happening in the city RIGHT NOW.  

Marketing & Communications 

The Community Engagement team also oversees the marketing and communications for the City of Muskegon. The community engagement team works to maintain communications such as city social media presence, produce city-wide print and electronic newsletters, keep our website updated, and more. Any marketing or communication questions should be directed to the contact below.  

Press & Media

The Community Engagement team manages and works to promote the city’s press and media coverage. All inquiries can contact us at the contact details below.

Engagement idea? Let us know. Our job is to work with you and we love doing it!

  • Hartshorn Park & Marina "Idea Day" June 3, 2024

Newsletter Subscription

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