House Relocation and New Basement Construction

July 25, 2023

Project work involves relocation of the house from Muskegon Public Schools’-owned property at 1292
Jefferson Street to a City-owned vacant lot at 382 W. Muskegon Avenue. The project also involves site
preparation, disconnection from an existing breezeway, construction of new foundation walls, and may
include removal of some building additions if deemed necessary for the move.

Items to be handled by the City of Muskegon include utility disconnections, police escort, wire raising,
security fencing, sidewalk replacement, tree trimming and item removal/reinstallation along route. These
costs are not to be included in submitted proposals.

Proposals shall include all preparation work necessary to stabilize the house, lift the house, clearly
separating it from the existing foundation. The house shall then be moved, positioned over completed
excavation, with footings. After foundation walls are complete, the Contractor shall lower the house on
to the new foundation. When the house is in its final location and position, all moving equipment shall be
removed from the site.

House Relocation and New Basement RFP